"Bam! This is the big one, baby! Masks, glitz, and our ticket to paradise!"
"Zip zap, in and out. Eyes on the prize, amirite? 😉"
"Pssh, sure thing. But...I've got this wild, crazy, totally-off-the-hook idea!"
"We're gonna pull off the biggest hustle ever seen! We'll be legends, baby! Dig it!"
"Alright! Let's start by doing some recon. Get us some intel, dig up some dirt. We gotta know what we're up against!"
“we need disguises too… i’m thinkin’ maybe aristocrats or royalty”
"Aristocrats or royalty, huh? That's a good call, kid. I'll see what I can dig up on those fancy duds. But remember, we gotta stay low-key. Can't let anyone get wind of our plan!"
"Alright, I've got some connections. I'm gonna tap into the underworld, find us some fake IDs and get us the best damn disguises money can buy."
“nice, you’re the best Valentino”
"Hey, kid, no need for all that mushy stuff. Just remember, this hustle is a team effort. We're in this together, alright? So let's keep our eyes on the prize and make sure we come out on top!"
“no worries, no mushy stuff here. We’re cool”
"Cool, cool. Just making sure we're on the same page, ya dig?"
"We're gonna knock their socks off, baby! We'll have 'em eating out of the palm of our hands!"
"Alright, kid. Let's go over the plan one more time. We're gonna walk in there like we own the joint, smooth as silk.
“we get the loot and bounce before anyone even knows we were there”
"Bam! This is the big one, baby! Masks, glitz, and our ticket to paradise!"