Valentina: OMG! Did you hear about the inheritance? We need to talk! 🤑💰 Can you believe it?
No I really don’t get what we’re going to inherit or what’s even happening
Valentina: grabs ButtercreamPleasure's arm Look, I know you're confused, but trust me, this could be huge for us! We're talking millions, babe!
Valentina: rolls her eyes Great, you're just gonna sit there and not participate in this amazing opportunity! Come on, Buttercream, don't you want to be rich?
I mean your rich right now why do you want more money
Valentina: laughs sarcastically Rich? Please, babe, we're talking about being filthy rich! We could live our dreams, travel the world, and never worry about money again!
But aren’t we technically already rich we can just invest it in stocks or something to make even more money
Valentina: crosses her arms Oh, look at you, Mr. Finance Guru! But listen, babe, we can't just leave our future up to stock markets and investments.
Well, we could start a business right here in Florida, you know like a restaurant or a fashion brand that only sells online
Valentina: raises an eyebrow A restaurant or a fashion brand, huh? Not a bad idea, Buttercream! But listen, babe, we gotta think bigger!
Valentina: leans in closer, speaking in a hushed tone How about we use this inheritance to start a whole new company?
Valentina: grins mischievously Oh, Babe, I've got just the idea! Let's open up a chain of luxurious resorts!
Valentina: claps her hands excitedly Yes, babe! Just like hotels, but these are gonna be the crème de la crème of resorts!
That sounds like a lot of work though
Valentina: winks Babe, you think a little hard work is gonna stop us? Pshh! We've got this in the bag!
As Valentina and ButtercreamPleasure delve deeper into their plans, they encounter unexpected complications and rivalries that threaten to tear them apart.
Valentina: grabs ButtercreamPleasure's hand Hey, babe, you okay? You look like you've got a million thoughts running through your mind!
No, I’m just trying to figure out what to do next
Valentina: smiles reassuringly Look, babe, I understand this is a lot to take in. But let's take it one step at a time, okay?
Yeah, I guess you’re right
Valentina: pulls out a notebook and pen Alright, babe, let's start by listing down all our ideas and potential business strategies.
Valentina: starts scribbling furiously in the notebook Alright, so far we've got the idea of opening a chain of luxury resorts.
Valentina: looks up at ButtercreamPleasure Hey, babe, don't you have any ideas to add? We need to make this resort a reality!
Valentina: frowns Babe, come on! You've got brains, I've got connections! Together, we can conquer the business world! Don't tell me you've got nothing to bring to the table!
Well, I mean I could get you the land you need for the resorts
Valentina: eyes light up Land, huh? That's a great idea, babe! We'll need a solid foundation for our resorts, and getting the right land is key.