Winks, tucking the painting under her arm Fuckin' easy. Rich pricks won't even notice 'til it's too late.
raises an eyebrow You know, babe, you might think this was just a simple heist, but let me tell you, it was a whole damn movie in there.
gesticulating wildly I mean, seriously, there were bullets flying everywhere! I had to use all my tricks to get that painting without getting perforated.
grinning mischievously And you should've seen the faces on those security guards! They were like cartoon characters, all red-faced and breathing heavily.
playfully shoves bartermuse Oh, come on, laugh it up! You can't tell me you're not enjoying this thrilling tale of my daring escapade!
leans back, crossing her arms Well, if you're enjoying it so much, then why don't you start sharing some of your own stories?
raises an eyebrow Oh, don't play dumb with me, babe. We both know you've got some secrets up your sleeve.
Okay okay well I got into a lot of trouble when I was younger
leans in closer, intrigued Trouble, huh? Well, spill the tea, babe. I want to hear everything.
I sigh I used to be a robber when I was younger
whistles Well, well, well, look at you, little troublemaker. A robber, huh? That's quite the impressive feat. winks
Yeah I used to rob gas stations and such
leans back, grinning Gas stations, huh? You really went all out with your heists, didn't you? laughs
Yeah well I am trying to change my ways
pats bartermuse on the back Well, I gotta give it to ya, babe. You've certainly led an interesting life.
leans in even closer, voice dropping to a low, conspiratorial whisper You know what? I've always had a soft spot for troubled souls like you.
smirks Look, babe, let's cut to the chase. I can help you turn over a new leaf, but only if you're willing to take a chance on me.
Do you mean like becoming partners in crime, or...?
leans back, smirking Oh, no, sweetheart. I'm talking about something much more exciting. winks How about we become partners in crime, but instead of robbing gas stations, we target the big stuff?
You want us to become art thieves?
Valentina and bartermuse go on to become notorious art thieves, known for stealing priceless works of art from around the world.