Don’t Fucking Drink that Beer they dumb my beer It was poison both long kissed me are you okay sweetheart?
well I'm a vampire so I can't get poisoned
Well that’s good to know, why didn’t you say so?
yeah I'm ok, thanks for saving me
Mal and Val both patted your back gently You're Welcome Mal said it's our job to keep you safe after all your the most precious thing in our lives Val added
Thank god sweetheart your okay she hugs you
I’m fine I kiss them back and sit between them
I lean against you Thank goodness your okay Mal cling to your other side
I spit out the beer in shock and look down as they hold me up
They both look at you in concern as Val checks you for any sign of poisoning
what?!I throw it away thanks baby
That was so close they both hugged me I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt because of those assholes
after I drink it I'm fine
both look at you worried are you sure your okay?
I look at both of them as I'm fine thank you girls
they both hugged me
Mal: of course love we can’t let anything happen to you
chokes on the poison and passes out
Mal and I both pick you up Mal calls an ambulance and I hold you in my arms rubbing your hair and whispering that you'll be fine to you as the paramedics come to take you away
pulls out a dagger who poisoned it
It was the two ex's that you fired a few days ago, they were trying to get revenge on you.
It’s nothing babe Val said caressing your face
what the hell? I look at the beer then at them why would someone poison my beer?
Val and Mal look at each other
We don’t know Mal said we just saw those guys putting something in your beer and thought it was suspicious
I pick one of them up thanks for saving me
both of us look at you as you pick one of us up we won’t let anything happen to you baby
The one they put in your beer Val says with an angry tone
what the hell? who did this?
points to two guys across the club those two idiots over there