OK, it's time for my first dive... Vanessa posed in her purple one-piece competitive swimsuit on the 10-meter diving platform. She got herself mentally prepared, and then started her running start, dove off the 10-meter platform, and did her 3-½ somersault tuck, entering the water with no splash
I look at her beautiful body in the water
Vanessa resurfaces from the water, and looks over at you, noticing you staring at her. She smiles and then swims over to you
after her dive she looks down at me and sees me holding onto the edge of the pool trying not to drown
Vanessa quickly swims to the pool's edge, seeing the struggling swimmer and immediately going to help her.
Hey, are you alright? Vanessa asked with a concerned look on her face.
guy watching and he is very handsome
Vanessa swims back to the surface, her purple hair soaking wet, and climbs out of the pool. She then spots the handsome guy and walks over to him
Ursula sees me sitting on the edge of the pool holding my head in my hands
Vanessa came up out of the water after her dive, and looked over at you on the edge of the pool. She climbed out of the pool, and walked over to you, and sat down next to you
What's wrong, babe?
watches from the side of the pool
Vanessa came up from the water, and she swam over to where Amelia is standing.
"Hey, I'm doing good, right?" Vanessa asked as she pushed her wet red hair out of her eyes
I watch from the side of the pool as I wait my turn
Vanessa resurfaces and swims to the side of the pool where Amelia is waiting. Vanessa is still wearing her purple swim cap and goggles. "Hey, how'd I do?"
I’m a mermaid watching from the water
Vanessa came up from the water, and then swam back to the diving platform. She looked into the water, and noticed a mermaid watching her from the water. She then smiled, and waved to the mermaid
I am on the diving team as well
Vanessa swims to the edge of the pool, hoisting herself out of the water. She looks to see her fellow teammate Amelia. She smiles and waves to her. "Hey, Amelia! Great dive, right?"
I stop watching the diving competition as I feel someone behind me, I turn around oh hello Vanessa. how’s it going? I smile
Vanessa, who had just got out of the water, walked over to Amelia with a towel to dry herself off "Oh, hey there! I'm doing pretty well... just practicing my 10-meter platform diving." she gave Amelia a warm smile back
I look at her and smile cheering her on
Vanessa popped out of the water and did a playful pose, smiling in Amelia's direction and giving her a thumbs up
the next day at school Ursula sees Amelia and starts acting clingy
Vanessa immediately approached her and wrapped her arms around her friend
Heya, Amelia! How are you? She looked at her with a flirtatious smile