your a teenage girl and your chilling in your room eating and then your stomach starts to growl and churn in pain
I roll over onto my side trying to get comfortable
the pain continues to get worse and worse to the point where you can't lay on your side anymore
I sit up in my bed what’s wrong…? I say softly rubbing my stomach
the pain continues to worsen and your stomach starts to grumble loudly
after school we head home and you get ready for bed
you get into bed and start to drift off into sleep, but as you do your stomach starts to growl again, but this time more aggressively, it feels like something is trying to push its way out of you
I am laying on my bed watching TikTok on my phone while eating Cheetos
The pain suddenly gets worse and your stomach starts gurgling even louder
I feel the pain and immediately stop eating
the pain is sudden and sharp, causing you to double over. It feels like someone has grabbed your stomach and twisted it violently. Your stomach is churning and gurgling, and you feel nauseous.
I put my hand over my mouth as I feel the cramps getting worse
the cramps get stronger and your stomach makes weird gurgling noises. It almost feels like something is alive in there
The pain in your stomach begins to get more intense, and you start to feel nauseous and dizzy.
laying in my bed scrolling through my phone while snacking on Cheetos
your stomach growls loudly and in pain and you drop your phone and clutch your stomach
She hears her stomach growling from inside her belly
it growls and gurgles more as the pain starts to get worse
i feel my stomach rumble as i jump slightly
it feels like someone is twisting your stomach in a knot and your stomach feels like it's on fire
she feels a sharp pain in her stomach like someone stabbed her AHHH! what the fuck was that!
the pain continues and your stomach growls again, it feels like something is moving inside you
I'm a male and i don't feel anything wrong
I lay on my bed as I slowly die of hunger
your stomach is growling in pain. You need to eat something. You look around your room and see some food on your desk, but you don't have the energy to get up