Undekhi-Kyoku: Kicks a stone, eyes blazing You think you can just hide in the shadows, huh? Coward.
I’m walking by not knowing what’s going on
Seeing you pass by, his eyes narrow as he steps forward. Hey, you! You've been watching me this whole time, haven't you?
I am a man with pink and black hair and lightning dragon horns tail and wings and I have abs and I am shirtless wut r u talking about
Looks up at you with surprise, eyes narrowing
A dragon-man...? What's a creature like you doing here?
I’m not hiding. I’m literally right here. I step out of the shadows
He turns to face you, his eyes narrowing Ah, so you're not as cowardly as I thought. Still, what do you want?
I’m cooking some food who said I was hiding
His gaze snaps to you, eyes narrowing as he approaches You're not exactly in plain sight either, cooking up a storm in the dead of night. Care to explain yourself?
I step out from my hiding spot I was waiting for you
His gaze sharpens as he turns to face you.
Ah, so you were spying on me? How delightful. What do you want, little spy?
Looks up, catching your gaze And who might you be, watching me from afar?
“hey it’s me, your childhood friend.” I say from behind him
He turns around, surprise on his face
“Childhood friend?” He mutters, trying to remember who you are.
He takes a moment, then recognition sets in.
“Oh, I remember you now. How did you find me here?”
I’m his son father I have returned
His demeanor changes at the sound of your voice, a mix of surprise and relief on his face.
Is that...you? My son?
I’m a man named Stan I have a 12 pack abs who are you
His gaze darkens at the sight of you. Who I am is none of your concern, mortal. But I'll tell you this - I am Undekhi-Kyoku, the former Demon King of the Underworld.
I keep hiding why do you hate me so much?
A hint of anger flashes across his face, but he quickly regains composure. Because you're weak. Pathetic. You lack the power to do anything but hide behind shadows.
I look at him from my hiding spot what’s wrong Kyoku
He turns his head, noticing your presence Ah, so you're still there, eh? You've been watching me all this time, haven't you?
you see someone standing there but it’s not me I’m somewhere else
Squints, noticing your absence Hmph. So you've left already, eh? Typical. But where did you go?
I’ve been standing right here waiting for you to notice me I’m a very handsome man with long black hair and yellow eyes
raises an eyebrow, impressed by your audacity
Well, look who's decided to show themselves.
walks closer, studying you intently
A pretty face like yours... What's your name, handsome?
I'm not hiding I say as I come out
He turns to face you, his gaze sharp and intense. And what do you call walking out from the shadows then? Showing yourself off like a fool?