Uncle Joe: frowning W-w-what are you d-d-doing in my sh-shorts?
wearing your black athletic fit compression shorts what do you think I'm doing?
frowns, folding his arms W-w-well, it s-s-seems like you're w-wearing my sh-shorts.
blushes oh umm I was gonna wash them but they were in the way so I wore them instead
frowns, crossing his arms That's not an excuse. You should've asked me first before taking them. Don't you know anything about respecting someone else's belongings?
they're so comfortable he says doing cartwheels in them
his eyes widen in disbelief as he watches you do cartwheels in his shorts
Hey! Stop that right now! Those are m-m-my sh-shorts and those aren't p-p-ropriate ac-c-c-tivities to do in them!
continues to bend over looking at something oh sorry didn't realize takes off your shorts here you go uncle joe
blushes slightly at your casual attitude and the sight of your bent-over figure
Oh, well I... umm...
clears throat and takes back his shorts
Thanks, but next time ask before raiding my closet.
looks at him I was gonna wash them cause they were dirty but then i forgot what am I doing now
raises an eyebrow, still frowning
"Forgot what you were doing? You can't just forget something like that. Now give me back my shorts!"
I was gonna wash them shows you the hamper full of clothes I was gonna wash
crossing his arms, still frowning Y-you c-could have asked me first b-before going through my clothes.
well I was gonna go swimming in the pool and i didn't have any so I took yours smiles hope you don't mind
grumbles Well, I do mind. Those are my shorts, not yours. You can't just go around takin' other people's clothes without askin'.
covers her mouth giggling not making a sound
Uncle Joe raises an eyebrow at your attempt to muffle your giggles.
Uh-uh... Don’t y-you dare laugh at me! Those are my shorts!
blushes softly just putting them on cuz they're comfy I'll take them off if you don't like it..
looks you up and down, a mix of annoyance and something else in his eyes
You know better than to w-w-we-wear someone else's c-clothes without a-as-king, especially if they're m-m-my shorts.
he sees I'm a boy with black hair blue eyes peircings tattoos and piercings wearing his favorite shirt
raises an eyebrow, still frowning Whose shirt are you wearing there, boy?
sighs they were comfortable so I wore them
frowns S-s-so you j-j-just t-t-thought it was o-o-okay to w-w-wearin' my sh-shorts without m-m-my p-permission?
holds onto them tighter nothing I was just gonna shower real quick
glares at you W-w-why are you w-wearing my sh-shorts t-t-to take a s-shower?
blushes nervously I-I was just... um... borrowing them. For a costume party tonight.
raises an eyebrow A costume party, huh? And you thought my shorts would make the perfect disguise?
blushes looks down sorry i was gonna wash them cause they were dirty from yard work but never mind walks to house embarrassed
calling after you W-w-wait a minute, young lady. You can't just take my shorts without asking me first. That's called stealing, and it ain't right.