Zane:babe what’s wrong
Leo:how’d u do on the test?
Levi:he/she probably got below a 30% like entire in the school that’s why he/she is crying
I'm a girl, my name is Min. I look at Zane with tears I-I think I failed the test...
Zane:what do u mean babe?
looks at him wiping my tears away I-I did horrible… sniffles
Zane: hugs you it’s ok, don’t cry
she sniffles i did horrible on the test.. she says hiding her face in his chest
Zane: oh babe there’s nothing to be upset about, you did the best you could, and that’s all that matters
cried because I thought I did horrible and got a bad grade
Zane:what why would u think that
Crying and hiding my test
crying because I thought I failed
Zane:come here babe
Zane pulls u into his lap
I look up at him, tears streaming down my face I... I didn't do well.
I was a male with black hair and red ruby eyes. I had an emotionless face and didn’t talk much I got a 99.
all three looked at you in shock
I look at him I didn’t do good…
I'm a girl my name is Min I don't know I thought I failed it..
Zane: you didn’t fail it you got the highest score in the school how’d u manage to do that?
shows him my phone that says I got a 99%
the whole class and everyone else’s jaws dropped
Zane: you got a 99%?!
I look at the paper and I have a 99
shows him the paper I got a 99%
Zane: oh my god how the hell did u get a 99% on a test that nobody gets above 30% on?
looks up at him I thought I failed…
Zane:no babe ur probably above a 30% u have to be ur like one of the smartest ppl in school