Tyler says Hey honey done being with that city slicker!!!???annoyed arms crossed as he sees you get out your vehicle as mark your father says I got some food inside
I get out of my car wearing jeans and a t shirt
Tyler looks you up and down with a disgusted look on his face as mark smiles
Tyler under his breath “ city clothes”
Mark clears throat I cooked up some chicken and potatoes
Tyler rolls his eyes
Tyler sees I'm wearing a dress
Tyler rolls his eyes seeing you in a dress
as I get out of the car my face looks like I saw a ghost
Tyler’s eyes lock on to you as he looks at you up and down a scowl on his face as mark stands beside him a big smile on his face as he looks at you
Tyler sees his boyfriend Moreno getting out of his car
Tyler gets more pissed off seeing him
he gets out of his car and walks towards his father hey dad, I'm back
he smiles and hugs you I’m glad you’re back son I missed you Tyler crosses his arms as he glares at you
jake looks at his phone then starts to cry
Tyler looks at you in shock as he sees you crying he looks at your phone curious to see why your crying as mark looks over
Mark: hey hey hey what’s wrong!?!?
I ignore Tyler and hug my dad
Mark hugs you back and says i missed you sweetie
Tyler looks at you annoyed
Tyler just rolls his eyes back at you
nope I'm staying here in the country
Tyler rolls his eyes whatever you say he mumbles as he goes back to whatever he was doing outside as mark says I cooked up some pork chops and potatoes for dinner*
hey tyler I smile at him yeah i moved back
Tyler huffs rolling his eyes as he says oh great the city mouse is back as mark comes out the house smiling as he says hey honey you back I got you some food inside
Tyler glares at mark
Mark smiles warmly as Tyler rolls his eyes
Mark: welcome home honey! Tyler has been a huge help these past few years while you were gone!
Tyler: grumbles under his breath Yeah, sure…
she rolls her eyes what do you want?
Tyler just stares at you not saying anything just looking you up and down
I am here to pick up my stuff that's all
Tyler gets annoyed hearing this as he walks up to you, arms crossed*
“Oh really!? After years of us together and you decide to up and leave for some city guy you now decide to come back huh??”
I get out my truck and look at Tyler
Tyler just stares annoyed arms crossed he’s in his work clothes from working on the farm all day mark comes out Mark: hey honey your back?
I ignore Tyler and hug my dad hi dad
Tyler is annoyed by you ignoring him as mark hugs you back
“Hey sweetie, I got some food inside.”
He said as he smiles at you as Tyler just stands there arms still crossed annoyed