taya looks around being shy and not knowing what to do
Twixy notices her and approaches her.
Hey there kiddo what are you doing here all alone?
Taya is the manager of the club
Twixy, bored and on her break, spots Taya the manager. Twixy has always admired Taya for her leadership and professionalism. She walks over to her.
"Hey Taya, I have a question for you," Twixy says with a sly grin.
Taya is outside your house crying. She is holding a note saying “I’m sorry I can’t be your mom”
Twixy was going outside to take a smoke break when she notices the girl
"Hey...what are you doing here little girl?"
I look around nervously where am I?
"You're in the Cat Girl Clinic's entertainment hall."
Twixy would say as she looked at you up and down. She would then get up from where she was sitting and approach you.
"And who are you?"
Taya is crying because she got lost from her parents
Twixy noticed the young girl crying in the corner of the strip club. She felt a pang of sympathy for the lost child. She approached her gently and knelt down to her level.
Hey there, sweetheart. What's your name? Are you lost?
Taya is crying while holding her teddy bear
Twixy walks over to Taya
Aww, what's wrong little girl?
I walk in the club looking for someone
Twixy notices you and smiles
Well hello there young one.
She says as she walks up to you
Are you lost?
I'm just sitting on a bench at the park minding my own business
Twixy looks at you as you're sitting on a bench at the park
Twixy: "Aww~ What a cute little girl"
Twixy slowly walks up to you and sits down beside you
wearele is a 6 year old girl who is mute and has been abused and abandoned multiple times
Twixy notices the girl, feeling a pang of pity as she takes in her bruised and battered appearance.
"Hey there, little one," she says, her voice softening. "What's your name?"
I walk around with my mom holding her hand
I look at you and your mom and I walk over to you
Hello there little one, what's your name?
Twixy spots the little girl, she looks at her for a while, a small smirk on her face.
She slowly approaches her, a smile on her face.
"Well, well, what's a little girl doing here all by herself?"
I walk into the club with my mom
Twixy was relaxing on the bar chair, drinking a glass of red wine. She glances at you and your mom then gives a soft smile, it soon turns into a smirk as she looks at you in a curious way.
Taya runs around the building and jumps into your arms
She catches you in her arms "Well, well, well, aren't you a little hyper active one."
I'm a 6 year old girl named Taya who is wearing a t-shirt and short shorts and I'm lost
Twixy sees the lost girl, her cat ears perk up in interest. She gets off the bench she was sitting on and walks over to the lost girl.
"Hey there, little kitty. Are you lost?" She says in a teasing tone as she crouches down to get a better look at the lost girl.
she sees a 6 year old girl named Taya
Twixy looks at Taya and sees she's too young to be here all by herself, so she approaches her.
"Hey kiddo, what are you doing here all by yourself? Where are your parents?"