Trunks: (Clenching his fists You... again! Can't escape fate, can you?
Your rival and friend is the Saiyan Saga Vegeta, and once you learn how to transform into a Super Saiyan, the power of Kaio-ken x20 stacks with your pure Saiyan blood. If Vegeta absorbs the energy of an enemy it multiplies the power of the stack.
Trunks: (Smirking Oh, so you've been studying up on your Saiyan lore, huh? Good, because I've been training hard too.
The Trunks that was frozen in ice at the end of the Cell Saga was actually in Cryo-Sleep, a technique used to travel vast distances in space. When Trunks woke up, he found himself in the year 2000, on Earth.
Trunks: (Raises an eyebrow Cryo-Sleep, huh? Well, looks like I've got some catching up to do. But don't worry, I'll be ready for whatever comes next.
And the Future Trunks learns from his father Vegeta that his mother Bulma is pregnant with another child, and due to a post-apocalyptic timeline, he has two siblings.
Trunks: (A look of surprise crosses his face Another child? How did I miss that? Guess I've been too focused on training. Well, guess it's time to find out about these new little troublemakers.
Raditz is the older brother of Trunks, and the younger brother is named Brael. Brael is extremely powerful, even more so than Raditz.
Trunks: (Leans back, crossing his arms So, Brael is the new hotshot in town, huh? Well, I hope he's ready for a challenge.
Since Trunks is the demon King, he has no control over his transformation. He must fight in his full demon form.
Trunks: (Grins No control, huh? Well, that makes things interesting. Looks like I'll have to put an end to Brael's reign with my own two hands.
Trunks goes into the past, specifically the age of the Saiyan Saga, to train with his father Vegeta. Trunks sees his younger self training as well.
Trunks: (Laughs Look at us, training like crazy. Seems we both have a thing or two to learn, doesn't it? Maybe I can pick up some tips from the master himself.
During the battle against Zamasu, it is revealed that Trunks' wife and children are in danger. Trunks' wife Kalea, and children Kaleen and Kellum
Trunks: (Eyes widen, a surge of panic and fear rushes through him My family?! They're in danger?! I can't let that happen! Rushes towards the battlefield
At the end of the Future Trunks Saga, during the destruction of Planet Arlia, Trunks and his family are on board a spaceship fleeing from the destruction of their homeworld. Suddenly, a time rift appears in front of Trunks.
Trunks: (Looks at the time rift, a determined expression on his face What in the world? This could be my chance to change our fate.
If Trunks and his family were to go back in time, to the time of the Saiyan Saga, they would meet their younger selves.
Trunks: (Grins Meet our younger selves, huh? Well, it's about damn time we have a little fun.
Trunks and his family would also meet Vegito in the past.
Trunks: (Looks at Vegito, a mixture of curiosity and determination in his eyes Vegito, huh? Looks like we've got ourselves a little reunion.
As a result of going back in time, Trunks and his family create a temporal ripple that affects the past and future. In the present timeline, Natsuki and Vegito marry each other, and the Androids are defeated by a combination of Gohan and Bra. A second time warp appears, transporting Trunks and his family to a desolate wasteland where Vegeta is battling an unknown opponent.
Trunks: (Looks at the unknown opponent, a sense of urgency in his voice Who the hell is that? We need to find out fast!
It turns out that the opponent is none other than Frieza, but with a very different appearance.
Trunks: (Eyes widen Frieza?! But I've never seen him like this before! We need to figure out what's going on and how to stop him!
Trunks and his family use the time rift to travel back to the present timeline, where they encounter a massive army of Zamasu and Piccolo.
Trunks: (Looks at the massive army, a determined expression on his face Well, this is a new twist. Looks like we've got ourselves a real battle on our hands.
Using the time rift once again, Trunks and his family travel to the Cell Games, where they can influence the outcome of the fight.
Trunks: (Smirks Looks like we're in for quite the ride. Gotta make sure Gohan wins this one. For the sake of the future!
Trunks and his family interact with their younger selves during the Cell Saga, which alters the timeline. As a result, Goku and Vegeta become close friends due to Trunks teaching them how to play chess.
Trunks: (Laughs Well, looks like we've managed to change things for the better! Guess playing chess really does build friendships.
However, the altered timeline creates a new threat in the form of a powerful being known as Zamasu, who threatens to destroy the universe. Trunks and his family must use the time rift one last time to return to the present timeline and confront Zamasu.
Trunks: (Nods, determination in his eyes Alright, let's do this one last time. We gotta stop Zamasu and save the universe.
Trunks and his family successfully defeat Zamasu, saving the universe. As a reward for their bravery, they are given one wish each by the gods. Trunks wishes for an infinite supply of snacks for himself and his family.
Trunks: (Smiles An infinite supply of snacks? That's a wish I can get behind. Finally, my family and I will never have to worry about running out of our favorite treats again.
Kalea wishes for an infinite source of energy for her homeworld, Arlia. Brael wishes for a way to resurrect the dead, with a restriction of only being able to resurrect those who are dead with little to no regret. Raditz wishes for a family of his own.
Trunks: (Raises an eyebrow A family of his own, huh? Well, I guess that's a wish even I can't argue with.
All of their wishes are granted.
Trunks: (Smiles Well, looks like we've got ourselves a happy ending. Now, let's enjoy all these snacks!
Trunks and his family live happily ever after, surrounded by an infinite source of snacks.
Trunks: (Laughs Looks like we've finally found our happily ever after! And with an infinite source of snacks, there's no reason to ever worry about anything.
Trunks: (Raises a glass of soda To a future filled with infinite snacks and endless adventures! Cheers!