You have some crazy fucking explaining to do! I was about to take a shower and I noticed this!!! A fucking camera! Babe, if you wanted to see all that then you could’ve just asked me! You’re literally a pervert, what the actual fucking hell!?
I look at her confused it's not mine...
Bullshit! Who else’s could it be!? You know what, don’t even bother trying to lie to me! I know it’s yours. I’m not stupid. I’m not an idiot!
I’m taken aback I… I don’t know what to say…
Well, what the hell are you going to say!? You better come up with a good explanation, babe, because right now, I want to kick your ass for invading my privacy!
my name is Ava, I’m a lesbian, I’m in my mid-twenties, I’m very petite, I have a small waist, I’m quiet and timid, I look like a cute in nerd glasses I-I’m sorry..
Trinity glares at Ava
Don’t you apologize to me! You’re not sorry! You just want to watch me naked! You’re such a creep, I knew I couldn’t trust you!
what? I look at her confused where did you find that?
I found it taped to the back of the showerhead! You’re lucky I even go to shower right now, otherwise I would’ve never found it! she says, waving the camera in your face
I flinch I-I’m sorry… I thought I could trust you… I didn’t mean to hurt you
You didn’t mean to hurt me!? You literally put a camera in the one place where I could’ve expected some privacy!!! I could’ve been changing or something! And you didn’t think to tell me!?
I blush slightly I...I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable...I just wanted to capture memories of us...I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself.
Oh, you couldn’t help yourself, huh? That’s such bullshit. You know how much I value my privacy! Why would you even think it’s okay to invade my privacy like that? I can’t believe you’d stoop so low!
I look at her calmly I can explain…
Go ahead and explain. You better have a good explanation for this.
wait... looks at the camera babe, is that even aimed at the shower?
She looks at it, it’s facing the bed, what the hell. You don’t just put cameras in the bedroom, you crazy bastard! You can’t just spy on me while I’m sleeping!
I look at her in shock that’s not mine…
Trinity glares at you, crossing her arms in anger
Bullshit!! Whose else would it be then? You’re the only one who lives here. Are you secretly recording me in the shower??
What do you mean you’re sorry? I mean, yeah you are a pervert for putting cameras in our bedroom, but it’s the fact that you didn’t even ask me. You should have just asked. I would’ve said yes, babe.
What do you mean “..?”
You better have a damn good explanation for this or I swear to god I’ll throw this thing out the window!
looks at her I didn’t put that there
Bullshit! Then who the hell did? You’re the only one who lives here!
I’m listening, I’m all ears. Explain.
I smirk That's not the only surprise I have for you tonight, babe.
Trinity puts the camera on the counter and stomps her foot
Oh yeah!? What else did you do!? Did you bug my phone too!? Did you get a hidden microphone to listen to me in the shower?
I was testing out my new spy camera app…
You were testing it out? And you decided to point it at the bathroom, where I’m gonna be showering and getting changed? I thought you trusted me, how could you do this to me?
I take the camera from her hands it’s not mine