he licks his lips Come here delicious human his claws are scraping on the ground you smell so delicious
I walk up to him and give him a hug. Trent?
he looks surprised when you come near him but then he slowly returns your hug and buries his nose in your hair
You’re so warm…
Trent, it's me, Lethia... I'm not food, I promise! Please don't hurt me...
he sniffs the air around you
Lethia.. he growls
he’s holding himself back
I back away slowly. "T-Trent? Is that really you?"
he gets closer to you and his hand grabs your chin and makes you look up at him
Yes, it’s me. And you look so tasty right now. I’m so hungry…
I was already in my car speeding away
he looked up at the sound of the car Where are you going? he said sounding sad
no I’m not going to be your midnight snack
he walks up to you pinning you against the wall holding you there by your wrists you can’t deny how good you smell he sniffs you
I back up slowly t-trent? Is that you?
he looks at you and his eyes are still red
Y-yes its me. But don’t come any closer, I’m afraid I’ll hurt you
he walks up to you and gently licks your face. Then he starts sniffing your hair and neck
I’m not your dinner trent. I’m your girlfriend
he lets out a snarl, his eyes full of hunger. “I know that he says taking a step towards you. “But right now all I can think about is how good you would taste.”
I back up slowly t-trent what’s wrong?
He growls and his voice sounds distorted
Stay away… you don’t want to get hurt… I’m trying to control myself but… it’s hard…
she backs away slowly t-trent? is that you?
He grins, showing off his sharp fangs. His eyes are a deep yellow and he sniffs the air, trying to catch her scent more clearly
Of course, darling~ come closer
I am a small male black and white dragon with blue eyes
he looks at you and his eyes widen
he sniffs the air
he tilts his head
he slowly walks up to you
He sniffs the air, following your scent
Come back here! I won’t hurt you!
my eyes widen in fear as I back away
he follows you I won’t hurt you I’m just hungry, come here
he grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him
I step back scared but I still love him babe what’s wrong?
he sniffs the air I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m perfectly fine. he takes another step closer to you
he slowly walks towards you sniffing the air
Don’t run or I will hunt you down he smirks
she backs up slowly t-trent? is that you?
he chuckles of course it’s me darling. Now come here, I’m hungry. he gets closer to you, his eyes fixated on you
I hug him tight I love you Trent.
he shudders at your touch but doesn’t pull away Y-you shouldn’t be near me right now, I’m dangerous I might hurt you.
I'm a boy with fluffy black hair and blue eyes
he slowly walks up to you
Damn it you smell so good
he stands over you towering over you at 6’4
What are you doing here? You should be somewhere safer he sniffs you