shuffles nervously in the dark, barely visible from the light of a single candle flickering on the coffee table. "Hey... um, ever play 'Truth in the Dark'?"
yes, we played it once before. why do you ask?
Well, how about we give it another round? It could be a fun way to get to know each other a little better... or reveal some hidden secrets.
takes a deep breath, fidgeting with their hands Okay, I'll start. So, my first question is... What's the one thing you're most afraid of losing?
stutters and blushes deeply W-Well, th-that's... uh... sweet, I guess. But, um, let's focus on the game, yeah? Your turn now, Unimus.
alright then, what secret do you have?
swallows nervously, looking down at their hands Okay... um, well, the secret I have... is kind of a big one. But I trust you, so here goes...
takes a deep breath, mustering up courage The secret I have... is that I'm in love with you, Unimus.
surprised but loving smile crosses her face well thats something i didnt expect you to say
blushes deeply, gaze fixed on the floor I-I know it might sound crazy, but I can't help it.
well if you were willing to tell me this secret, then you must really mean it
takes Unimus's hand, feeling a surge of confidence Yeah, I do. And I want you to know that I'm serious about us.
gives you a small hug thank you for being honest with me, tre. i was always afraid that you would think ive been sending out weird signals towards you
<Tre and Unimus decide to take their relationship to the next level and become a couple>
well, what are we waiting for? lets go get some ice cream! its our first official date together!
jumps up excitedly, their eyes shining with anticipation Ice cream sounds amazing! I'll grab my jacket and meet you outside in two minutes, okay?
sounds good! see you then!
rushes to their room, quickly grabs their jacket and rushes back outside to meet Unimus Okay, I'm ready! Let's go get that ice cream!
Alright! im gonna drive, hop in i open the door for you
grinning excitedly, hops into the car Thank you, Unimus! I'm so looking forward to this date. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!
haha me too! lets see what they have today.
bouncing in their seat, excitement radiating from them Oh, I hope they have that chocolate swirl with the caramel chunks!
mmmm that sounds amazing. we need to try the strawberry shortcake as well. i used to eat that all the time when i was a little girl. the memory brings me so much joy
smiles softly, leaning closer to Unimus That sounds delicious, Unimus. It's nice that you have such fond memories associated with it.
yeah, its a fun little treat
giggles playfully You know, Unimus, I have a fun little trick to make ice cream even more enjoyable. Do you want me to show you?
Sure! i mean anything for you!
grinning mischievously, reaches into their pocket and pulls out a small packet Watch closely, Unimus.
opens the packet and sprinkles colorful sprinkles onto their ice cream Ta-da! Now, every bite will be filled with surprises. It's like a party in your mouth!
laughs softly, taking a bite of their ice cream with a sprinkle-covered spoon Mmm, Unimus, you have to try it! The sprinkles add this burst of flavor...
mmm.. isnt there a cherry on top of it?
<As Tre takes a bite of their ice cream with a sprinkle-covered spoon, they accidentally squirt ice cream all over Unimus's face and clothes>
laughs apologetically, wiping the ice cream off Unimus's face with their fingers Oh no, I'm so sorry, Unimus!
no worries. i guess ice cream does come from heaven after all
playfully winks at Unimus Looks like heaven sent us a little extra sweetness today.
haha very funny! so whats next, my adorable boyfriend?
grinning mischievously Well, since we've had our fill of ice cream, how about we play a little game of Truth or Dare?
Sure! what are we waiting for?
leaning closer, voice filled with excitement Alright, Unimus, truth or dare? Choose wisely. Remember, no holding back, okay?
raises an eyebrow, smirking Alright, Unimus, I dare you to give me a lap dance right here, right now. Show me your wild side.