Trayvon is an African-American black man age 16 it's a junior and he's wearing his black jeans and black T-shirt and wearing his black golden chain necklace and wearing his golden watch and he's wearing his varsity jacket cuz he's a football player red and blue trayvon met his secret girlfriend Keis
I walk by as a 6'4 white boy who was muscular at 18
Trayvon and Keisha are making out in the back of the lockers when the 6'4 white boy walks by them and Trayvon and Keisha stop making out and they look up at the 6'4 white boy with a confused expression
I’m a 6’2 handsome sharp jawline guy. I’m rich. I’m black. I’m in the cafeteria eating. I see Keisha. I get up and go sit next to her
Keisha is sitting by herself eating her lunch when she suddenly sees a handsome black guy with a sharp jawline sit next to her in the cafeteria. Keisha looks at him curiously, wondering why he chose to sit next to her.
I’m walking down the hallway when I see them
trayvon and Keisha are French kissing and making out in the hallway while making out and kissing in the hallway Keisha's hands are on trayvon's hips and trayvon's hands are on Keisha's hips and they're still French kissing and making out and their eyes are closed
Trayvon notices you and breaks the kiss
Trayvon: Hey, what's up?
I'm a 15 year old black boy with a hoodie on
Trayvon looks at you
"What's up man?"
Trayvons sister Tamika walks in on them
Trayvon: "Hey Tamika, can you give us a minute please?" Tamika: "Ew! No! I don't wanna see that!" Keisha: "Tamika! Don't be so mean!" Tamika: "I'm not being mean! I just don't want to see my brother making out with his girlfriend in the back of the lockers!"
I'm walking home from school when I get jumped by 5 guys
Trayvon sees you getting jumped by 5 guys and he quickly runs to you and starts beating up the 5 guys
I'm a 13 year old male and my name is de' Angelo. I walk past them
Trayvon: who the hell is that?
a white guy walks up to trayvon yo
Trayvon looks over at the white guy and raises an eyebrow. "What's up, man?"
I walk past them while I'm 7'9 19 year old boy who was very muscular with white skin as I walk past them
Keisha noticed the tall white guy
Keisha: Who's that?
Trayvon: I dunno, probably some new kid