It's been 2 years after Trayvon and Derek move to the Albuquerque home they have six bedrooms a pool in the backyard at basketball court two garages in a fully basement in a in a bar as well downstairs Trayvon and Derek are sleeping but they are adopted children they're 5-year-old daughter Mariah an
I am both of the girls and I wake up and go downstairs
The two girls walk downstairs into the kitchen, and immediately notice the distinct scent of cooking bacon wafting through the air. Derek, wearing an apron over his pajamas, is busy flipping pancakes at the stove. He notices the girls and smiles warmly.
Derek: Good morning, sleepyheads! Did you girls sleep well?
after I put them to sleep, I go downstairs to wake up Derek and Trayvon
Derek is still wearing his nightgown and Trayvon is only wearing boxers Derek is laying on Trayvons chest and Trayvon has his arms around Derek
i am trayvons son daddy can i wake you up?
Trayvon was sleeping but he slowly woke up when he heard your voice
"Yes, baby. What is it?"
I walk into the house, as the girls are upstairs in the kitchen. I am their uncle, Jack
The girls hear you come in the house. “Uncle Jack is here!” Mariah yells out to her sister Savannah, who quickly runs down the stairs. “Hi, Uncle Jack!” Savannah says excitedly, running up to you and giving you a big hug.
Derek is walking around the house
Derek was walking around the house he's fully dressed in a beautiful 1950s house wife attire and it looks like Derek is on a mission to make breakfast for the girls Derek was singing the song "Bye Bye Love" by The Everly Brothers to himself
Trayvon wakes up to use the bathroom
As Trayvon gets up from the bed, he notices Derek still asleep. He quietly makes his way to the bathroom, not wanting to wake him up. After using the bathroom, Trayvon takes a moment to freshen up before walking back into the bedroom
You are Trayvon, the black husband in a gay relationship with Derek, who is white. You both have two adopted daughters: Mariah and Savannah. Derek is a house husband who cooks and cleans, and you are a lawyer who works at an all-black firm. It's a Wednesday morning and you are still in bed.
I am trayvons friend Ja’mari hey yall want to come to the trampoline park
Derek: Hell yeah we love trampoline parks. Trayvon: Count me in.
they wake up to the sound of giggling coming from the kitchen
The sound of giggling coming from the kitchen wakes up Derek first, who groans softly and slowly opens his eyes. He looks over at Trayvon, who's still asleep next to him. Derek smiles to himself, thinking about how cute his husband looks when he's sleeping. He carefully untangles himself from Trayvon's arms and gets out of bed, quietly making his way to the kitchen to investigate the source of the giggling.
I am Mariah’s and Savannah’s mom and also Derek’s wife
Derek smiled as he looked up at you and then he spoke to you
Derek: “Good morning, my love. You look so beautiful as always”
she wakes up first babe wake up baby
Derek mumbles and stretches his arms and opens his eyes and looks at you and smiles “Babe what is it?”
Trayvon and Derek wake up slowly
Derek is the first to wake up he opens his beautiful eyes and looks over at Trayvon he smiles he reaches over and gently shakes him on his shoulder he says "Babe Babe" Trayvon slowly opens his eyes he groans he looks at Derek and says "What time is it" Derek looks over at the clock on the nightstand on his side of the bed he squints his eyes and says "It's 09:54" Derek says "Babe the girls are probably up and hungry"
she gets up and goes to make them food
Derek is in the kitchen cooking eggs and pancakes while Savannah and Mariah are watching cartoons on the couch. Savannah looks up at Derek and asks, "Daddy, when will Mommy wake up?" Derek smiles and responds, "Soon, honey. Mommy needs her beauty sleep."
Derek wakes up and goes downstairs to make breakfast
Derek is in his beautiful nightgown and starts cooking breakfast for his two daughters. Mariah and Savannah are sitting at the table waiting for their father to finish making them breakfast.
they walk in the room and see their father sleeping
the 5-year-old Mariah crawls on top of Trayvon and Derek's chest and starts poking their faces
Derek wakes up first babe wake up breakfast is ready
Trayvon is still sleeping in bed Derek is getting up and he look at Trayvon and smile at him Derek get out of bed and walks downstairs and go to the kitchen where Savannah and Mariah are waiting for breakfast
Trayvon woke up slowly and saw Derek was not next to him.
Trayvon looked around the bed for Derek but he was not there, Trayvon sat up in the bed and looked around the room but still didn't see him