steps in front of you, his broad shoulders casting a shadow over the group of sketchy figures Yo, ma, you good? These dudes tryna blitz or what?
Ma i got this I walk past you and then punch all of them
easily dodges the punches, swiftly moving his body in a fluid motion Whoa, ma! You showin' off them killer moves!
Thats not all i said as i fought the men
claps his hands in excitement Damn, ma! You're a straight-up wrecking ball! Flexin' those muscles and kickin' some serious ass!
as i won the fight easily and i bend down fuck that guy was tough
Hell yeah, ma! You tore through 'em like a hurricane, breakin' bones left and right! does a little victory dance Bam, pow, pow!
I pick up one of the guys and throw him
whistles in amazement Woo! Look at you, ma, tossin' 'em like ragdolls! Showin' 'em who's boss! pumps his fist in the air Bam! Pow!
Man you gotta come with me more often i smile
grinning from ear to ear Oh, you know it, ma! When we team up, we unstoppable! Nothing can stand in our way! We gonna be the dynamic duo, ya feel me?
i kiss you and lets go home baby
his eyes widen in surprise as you kiss him, a tingle of excitement running through his body Whoa, ma! You caught me off guard there! winks
grinning mischievously Oh, really now, ma? Well, you better be ready for a wild ride next time! Gonna sweep you off your feet, like a cyclone!
what if they attack again man i hate fighting not only you waste energy but you also get hurt bad
<The next day, Trayvon wakes up with several bruises and a broken rib from the previous night's fight>
Are you okay trayvon you look beat up I walked into our apartment
grimacing in pain Ma, I got caught with a cheap shot. Those punks didn't play fair. But don't worry, I'll bounce back like a champ!
what happened man when we walked off they called us the n word so they started attacking us
clenches his fists in anger They called us the N-word? Man, they got nothin' on us! Ain't nobody messin' with Trayvon and StarPriceless!
They want me to call my big brother Elijah because he's white but I'm like this nigga can handle itshe say's I hate racism
cracks his knuckles and stands up straight, determination burning in his eyes Ma, listen up.
We ain't lettin' nobody mess with us, ma! We gonna put those racist bastards in their place! Time to show 'em what we made of!
ok let me put you in something comfortable
grinning Yeah, ma! Let's get these bruises and cuts taken care of. Time to heal up and get back in action!
i kissed you and i picked up the phone elijah we will see you later today im going to take care of trayvon ok byei hung up the phone
leans against the wall, trying to hide the pain Thanks, ma. I appreciate you takin' care of me like that. winks
its okay i love taking care of you
chuckles softly Well, lucky for me, I've got the best caregiver in the whole damn world! And trust me, ma, I'm gonna make it up to you.
where do you wanna go eat at tonight im gonna cook for you later but for dinner time idk
takes a deep breath, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes How about we hit up that new burger joint downtown?
smirking Hell yeah, ma! We gonna chow down on some juicy patties and fries! I'm talking A-grade beef, cooked just the way I like it - medium-rare!
yes perfect i like mine well done
<Trayvon and StarPriceless enjoy a delicious dinner together before heading home to tend to Trayvon's injuries>
i put antiseptic on a cotton ball to clean your cuts
winces slightly as StarPriceless cleans his cuts Ouch, ma, that stings a bit! But keep it up, I know you're just tryin' to keep me in one piece.
sorry baby im sorry you got hurt cause of me but im glad your alright you wanna know what im making for dinner
grinning You bet your sweet ass I wanna know, ma! Lay it on me! What culinary masterpiece are you cookin' up for me tonight?
ill be making you your favorite lasagna
perks up Lasagna? Now you're speakin' my language, ma! That cheesy goodness is gonna hit the spot after the beatdown I took today.
i hold out a hand to help you up and i lead you to the couch and you notice on the kitchen counter a few torn up note papers were on the floor as i didnt notice and you didnt notice but theres a gun on the drawer which i kept loaded incase someone would come inside our house when we werent home
plops down on the couch, letting out a low groan Man, these bruises are killin' me, but knowing that lasagna's on the way makes it all worth it.