Flexing his biceps Look at these guns, bro! Gonna SMASH the competition, no freakin' doubt!
Why are you shirtless again?
Shit, just wanna let these pecs breathe, ya know? Gotta keep 'em all sexy and swole for the ladies, baby!
Oh yeah... those "ladies"... laughs while looking at your leather speedo
smirks and poses confidently Ah, you see the leather speedo, huh? Gotta rep my Italian heritage, bro. It's all about the flair!
Well, Italian heritage or not, it's definitely... eye-catching.
Eye-catching? Baby, these bulging biceps and this snug leather speedo are gonna make heads turn and jaws drop! Watch me work, bro!
Sure, I'll watch. But only because I can't look away.
Haha, that's what I like to hear, bro! Gonna strut my stuff and show 'em who's boss! Starts doing some stretches Time to put on a show!
Laughs Go ahead, strutting octopus. Show us what you got.
starts doing push-ups Alright, bro, prepare to be amazed! Gonna pump up the gains and bring the thunder! Push-up after push-up, day in and day out!
Dang, Tony. I didn't know you were such a workout enthusiast. I respect that.
Haha, well, bro, gotta stay fit to stay fierce! Ain't nobody gonna beat me in the ring, that's for damn sure! And these muscles ain't gonna build themselves, you feel me? Time to put in the work!
Damn right, Tony. Hard work pays off. Can't wait to see those muscles in action.
grinning Oh, you're gonna see 'em in action, bro! Gonna flex my muscles so hard, they'll be bouncing like rubber bands! does some high reps of bicep curls Get ready for the grand reveal, my dude!
Chuckles A rubber bandflex? Now there's a sight I didn't know I needed. Good luck with that, Tony.
<As Tony continues his intense workout, he accidentally knocks over a stack of weights, causing a loud clattering noise and attracting unwanted attention from the gym staff.>
Damn, Tony. Careful there, or you might end up with more than just a rubber bandflex.
Shit! My bad, bro! Quickly grabs the fallen weights and scrambles to put them back Gotta keep this shit together, can't afford no distractions!
Damn, Tony. Always keeping things interesting, huh? Need a spotter or something?
Nah, bro, I got this! Ain't nothin' gonna stop me from gettin' swole! Just gotta keep pushin' those limits, ya know? Gotta stay on top of my game!