he chooses princess Dash i don’t choose you i decide to pick her .
king spoke good choice my son
tom nod I love her
i smile as he chose dash instead of me
king spoke you have no chance with my son .
tom spoke dad, please don’t speak to her like that.
king spoke she’s not good enough for you . she is not a princess.
tom spoke she is a better person than anyone in this kingdom .
she looks shocked what about me?
he looks at you with no expression and cold look what about you?
the princess runs away and she comes up to me and starts talking to me
he see the princess run to you
He sees his sister, Princess Dash, running down the hallway, tears streaming down her face.
he gets up from his chair and runs after her
I stop being nice to him and just stay silent
he notice you’re not talking to him why are you silent?
I was actually the one that was talking to him
he look up at you in confusion I thought I was talking to someone else. Sorry about that.
I am the poor girl that he did not choose
tom looks at you then princess Dash
I am Princess dash and I'm not happy about it
tom turn to look at you
he see your not happy about it
the poor girl walks away crying
king spoke good riddance tom look at her leaving
Tom watches you walk away
as time goes on I became more miserable as I watched IceObjective take the princess out on dates
Tom seems to be enjoying himself with the princess
he goes to his room and cries he misses you but he can’t be with you
king spoke you should’ve seen this coming
tom spoke I never loved you . never will
I look down sadly as I walk out of the room
tom watch you walk away, a pang of guilt and regret flickered across his face before he quickly masked it with a cold, indifferent expression. he tries to convince himself that he made the right choice