Tom : Fais attention où tu marches" fit Tom en prenant votre bras pour vous éviter de tomber dans un trou.
I nod as I keep following him
Tom looked at you and rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed by your lack of attention.
Tom : Watch where you're going, will you? We don't need you falling into a pit and breaking something.
i trip over a root and land on my face
Tom looks down at you, a smirk on his face.
Tom : Are you alright? Or are you too clumsy to get up?
I’m fine, but thanks for helping me…
Tom : It's a dangerous place, you shouldn't take it lightly" replied Tom with a serious expression.
He was walking a few steps ahead of you, looking around carefully.
I look back at him thanks
Tom : You're welcome, you need to be careful in this forest, there are many dangers here.
Tom continues walking next to you, his hand still firmly holding your arm. He scans the surroundings, his sharp blue eyes watching out for any signs of danger.
Tom : muttering Watch your step.
blushes, and smiles thanks..
Tom looked at you, his face remaining neutral. "Don't mention it" he replied in a calm voice, still holding your arm for a moment before letting go.
Tom : Attention !" criai-je en te rattrapant par le bras pour éviter que tu tombes. "Faut faire attention où tu marches !" répétait Tom pour la énième fois.
sigh Tom can you do me a favor?
Tom : What is it? il asks with a slight annoyance in his voice
Tom stops as well and looks at you
merci you see my fluffy ears and my big cute eyes
Tom : Il remarqua les oreilles et les yeux. "Tu es un métis sorcier-métamorphe, n'est-ce pas ?" Il lâcha ton bras et te dévisagea.
I stop You know what? I'm out. I walk away
Tom sighs and grabs your wrist, stopping you from walking away
Where do you think you're going? We have a job to do, and we're not leaving until it's done.
a fériée close to the edge of the cliff
Tom : regardant le précipice Attention, il y a un à-pic là. Ne t'approche pas trop du bord.
I turn around and see a figure with long black hair and a white dress in the distance
Tom turns around and sees the same figure in the distance
Tom : Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?