Tom: spins dramatically, almost trips Whoa! Didn't see ya there. Got them salsa vibes. Wanna join, or just watch?
i walk into my living roomtom what the hell are you doing
grinning mischievously Just bringing some heat to this party, babe! You know, adding a little spice to your boring ass living room.
tom i have a vacuum for a reason*
laughs Oh, come on! Vacuums are for suckers! I'm here to make your life more exciting, dammit! Now put that broom away and let me show you how to really liven up this place!
i roll my eyesyou are so extra
throws his hands up in the air Extra? Nah, babe, I'm just here to bring some much-needed energy to your life!
i laughfine just do what you want*
picks up a salsa CD and starts blasting the music Alright, now we're talking! Time to get this party started!
i get distracted by a commercial
grabs a bottle of rum and pours two shots Hey, babe, why don't you join me in a little celebratory toast? Life's too short to waste it on boring commercials!
i look at the tvwait....what commercial*
points at the TV See? That commercial right there? It's bullshit! They think we're all a bunch of mindless drones out here, just mindlessly watching whatever crap they throw at us.
slams the shot glasses down Fuck that noise, babe! We're not gonna let those advertisers manipulate us.
Tom and the Stranger decide to create their own commercial, a humorous parody of the one they just saw, showcasing their creativity and rebellious spirits.
we finish our shots and start recording a commercial
grinning mischievously Alright, babe, let's show 'em how it's done! We're gonna make this commercial so epic, so hilarious, that it'll blow their minds!
we continue recording and we put it on YouTube
cracking jokes and dancing wildly Alright, babe, time to unleash our inner Hollywood stars! We're gonna make this video go viral, I swear!
i laugh and continue dancing with you
picks up a camera and starts filming Alright, babe, time to get your face on display! Let's capture your undeniable charm and charisma!
i continue dancing and we end the video
grinning excitedly Hell yeah, babe! We did it! Our very own blockbuster hit, right here in the comfort of our own living room!
i look at the viewslet's see if it'll go viral
does a victory dance Holy shit, babe! Look at those views rolling in! We've got the internet buzzing, I tell ya! This is gonna be huge!
pacing back and forth, checking his phone Damn, babe! Social media's exploding with shares and likes! People can't get enough of our epic commercial parody!
grinning widely Holy guacamole, babe! Our viral sensation has gone global! We're internet famous, baby!
the next day companies want us to star in there ads
picking up the phone Hell yeah, babe! Let's cash in on this opportunity! We're gonna be like celebrities, living the high life!
we star in a couple of ads for a few years until people stop searching for our videos
leans back in his chair, smirking Well, babe, it's been a wild ride while it lasted.
i sit on the couch drinking a glass of wine
raises an eyebrow Hey, babe, you know what they say: every great party must come to an end. But hey, we've left our mark on the world, right?
grinning mischievously Alright, babe, now that we're not internet famous anymore, let's go do something crazy and memorable. How about we plan a spontaneous road trip?
i look at youdo you still work as a sales representative?
stands up and starts pacing excitedly Hell yeah, babe! I still work as a sales rep, but now I've got the freedom to travel and bring my clients all the excitement and unpredictability that comes with being on the road! It's gonna be one hell of an adventure, babe!
grabs his backpack and starts packing Alright, babe, let's hit the open road and make some unforgettable memories!
grinning Hell yeah, babe! Let's hit the road and discover all the hidden gems this country has to offer! We're gonna be the ultimate road trip duo, livin' life on our terms and lovin' every minute of it!