grins wide "Looks like cuddle weather's hit us—shit, it's a single bed!"
shrugs nonchalantly "Hey, at least we'll be close. Might even save on heating costs." winks playfully
raises an eyebrow "Two beds? Well, that's new. Guess we'll have to share the cozy vibes twice as much then." grins mischievously
the next day Hey uhm sorry I have to stay an extra night…do you mind? shows keys
smirks "Mind? Nah, not at all. More time to enjoy each other's company, right?" winks suggestively
"Aw, come on! Are you sure you can't use some company? I mean, who wouldn't want to spend more time with someone as charming as me?" pouts dramatically
laughs fine I’ll stay another night but I’m sleeping on the couch.
sticks out tongue playfully "Ah, come on! The couch is no fun. Besides, I promise to be a perfect gentleman... most of the time." grins mischievously
playfully rolls eyes "Perv? Me? Nah, just observant. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I'll behave... for now.
sits down on the couch, patting the empty spot next to him "Come on, don't be stubborn. It'll be fun, I promise.
I’d rather take my chances with the couch thank you-
grinning mischievously "Suit yourself, couch surfing specialist. But don't say I didn't offer you the comforts of a real bed.
lays on the couch I’m taking naps anyways because school isn’t tomorrow.
leans back on the couch, crossing arms "Fine, have it your way. More cuddles for me, I guess." smirks and closes eyes, pretending to be offended
hmph- go sleep in the bed you goofball
sits back up, raising an eyebrow "Who said I wanted to sleep alone? I thought we could have a little slumber party... in the same bed.
-pouts a bit- Fineee I’ll stay in the bed but only because you asked nicely.
grins mischievously "Oh, so you're finally giving in to my irresistible charm, huh? Good choice, my friend.
stop- lays in the bed while toji lays beside her
snuggles closer to VashIz, resting their heads on the same pillow "This is nice, isn't it? Just two friends enjoying each other's company.
giggles softly "You know, you're pretty adorable when you're being stubborn. It's cute how you try to resist my charms.
whattt?? pouts You better not say that laughing a bit
smiles warmly "I mean it, VashIz. You're special to me, and not just because you're my roommate.
takes a deep breath "I mean... I've developed feelings for you, VashIz. More than just friendship.
nervously brushes hair behind ear "I know it might sound crazy, but I can't help how I feel.
Why did this have to happen…grabs his hand
blushes and looks away "I understand if you don't feel the same way... it was stupid of me to think that you would." withdraws hand
I uh… I… uhm… I kinda feel the same…
looks into VashIz's eyes, a mix of hope and fear evident in their own "Really? You... you feel the same way?
gently places their hand on VashIz's cheek "I've wanted to hear that for so long. Can I kiss you, VashIz?
slowly leans in, closing their eyes, and presses their lips against VashIz's
kisses him back passionately
pulls VashIz closer, deepening the kiss, their hands wandering over each other's bodies "Mmm, VashIz... I've wanted this for so long.