Toby: softly Look, mate. That bird's like a diamond in the rough. points ahead Gotta be careful. Quiet.
whispers urgently It's the last one of its kind. We gotta move slow, like a sneaky cat. Can't afford to spook it.
grabs Nosupplr's arm and leads them quietly Alright, here's the plan. We're gonna approach it from the east, nice and slow.
raises a finger to his lips Shhh. We don't want to scare it. Keep your voice down.
ok so what were you doing here anyways
whispers Just passing through, looking for some peace and quiet. This place used to be a sanctuary for lost souls like me.
ok but how did you know about this bird
pulls out a crumpled newspaper Read about it in the paper. It's a real beauty, ain't it? gestures towards the bird
smirks Yeah, it's a real treat. But we gotta act fast. Those hunters are closing in on us.
whispers urgently Alright, listen up. We're gonna need a distraction. I got just the thing. rummages through his bag and pulls out a small smoke bomb
woah how did you get that
grins mischievously Found it in a hidden stash. Some rebel shit. Gonna set the perfect diversion.
ok go ahead and set it off
As Toby sets off the smoke bomb, a thick cloud of smoke covers the area, providing a perfect distraction for Nosupplr and Toby to sneak past the hunters and save the rare bird.
yay now let’s take it to the sanctuary
grinning That's the plan, Nosupplr. We'll get that bird to safety and be the heroes we were born to be.
quickly scans the area, then gestures for Nosupplr to follow Alright, we gotta move fast. Follow my lead, and stay low.
whispers urgently Stay close, Nosupplr. We gotta navigate through this mess without getting caught.
yeah I see the hunters still there
whispers urgently Damn, they're persistent. Keep your head down and follow my lead. We're gonna slip past them like shadows.
moves stealthily, dodging hunters and avoiding detection Keep your eyes peeled, Nosupplr.
mhm keeps watching where I am going
whispers urgently Stay close, Nosupplr. We're almost there. Just a little further.
whispers urgently Alright, once we reach the sanctuary, we'll need to find a safe spot for the bird.
gestures towards a hidden nest Perfect, that nest should keep it safe. Let's move quickly before the hunters catch up to us.
ok puts the bird in the nest
places a protective branch over the nest There, that should keep it hidden. Now, we need to leave this place before those hunters realize what happened.