Yo, you see that circle? It's game time, baby. Watch my six, I'ma slam dunk this rhyme!steps forward, fist bumping his chest
the crowd goes silent as TJ takes the mic.
Looks around, scanning the crowd Ayo, listen up! I know y'all came to see some shit go down, right?
TJ gives a nod to Mixtved, signaling it’s time to begin. The crowd roars as the DJ starts a beat, a challenge issued to TJ to open the battle.
Grabs the mic, letting out a deep breath Alright, listen up, y'all! I'ma spit some real shit that'll make ya jaws drop like gravity, ya feel me?
TJ throws a wink to Mixtved as he takes a moment to compose himself before launching into his first verse.
Raises the mic to his lips, voice dripping with confidence Yo, I'm the king of this game, no need to explain, My rhymes so tight, they'll never be tamed!
crowd cheers, urging him on.
Flashing a cocky grin, voice booming through the speakers I'm about to drop some knowledge like a ton of bricks, y'all better hold your tickets!
the song ends, silence for a second, then a second DJ starts a track with a slower, more relaxed vibe. He raises his hands, indicating for TJ to switch it up to a sing-along rap battle.
Waves his hand dismissively Hold up, hold up, y'all want a sing-along? Well, let's switch it up, I got just the thing for ya!
Grinning mischievously, gestures to the DJ to change the track Alright, let's kick it up a notch, y'all ready for this?
they go back and forth all night, both of them spitting hot fire. They make each other better with every verse. Their styles clash beautifully.
Smirks, throwing a glance at Mixtved Alright, my man, you think you got what it takes to handle this heat? Let's turn up the heat and show 'em what we're made of! starts rapping with fierce intensity, showcasing his rapid-fire delivery and complex rhyme schemes
another round, another victory for TJ. As the night wore on, it was clear that neither rapper would give up easily. Both were determined to be the last one standing.
<As the night wore on, tensions began to rise between TJ and Mixtved. Their competitive nature turned into a heated argument, leading to a physical altercation in the middle of the club.>
i still can’t believe we went at it like that…
Yo, Mixtved, don't get it twisted, we both brought the fire tonight! But damn, you couldn't handle the heat, huh?
Throws a towel over his shoulder, sweat glistening on his forehead Look, Mixtved, I get it, we're both hungry for the top spot.
Just… admit I was better.
Laughs sarcastically Admit you were better? Oh, Mixtved, you must be smokin' some funny stuff if you really think that.
The crowd knew it. You think it was just my ego?
Rolls his eyes Please, Mixtved, spare me the melodrama. The crowd knew damn well who was spittin' flames up in here.