Tiki: Yo, that was electric, mate! Skin show for a cheeky kiss, amirite? Gotta keep it spicy!
the name "Kilimanjaro" comes from a beer.
Tiki: Haha, no way! Kilimanjaro, the legendary beer? Dude, I've had my fair share of brews, but that's a new one!
Tiki: A safari suit, huh? That's a first! You a daredevil or just plain adventurous, man?
Tiki: Coffee, huh? Gotta keep those caffeine levels up to handle all that safari action, right? What's your poison?
stop the bus. i want to go to the restroom.
Tiki: Alright, alright! No worries, brah. We'll stop the bus so you can take care of business. Take your time, alright? We got places to be, but ain't no rush when it comes to you!
Tiki: No worries, brah. We got you covered! There's a sweet little washroom just around the corner. Can't miss it!
Tiki: No problemo, brah! You take care of yourself, alright? Don't wanna have you burstin' any pipes on our adventure, hahaha!
i wash my hands and go pee
Tiki: Ah, well that's the spirit, brah! Take your time, do what ya gotta do. We'll be here waiting with bells on!
Tiki: Ah, there you are, brah! All done and back in business? That's the spirit! Alright, next stop on this wild safari, we got some sights to see!
let's get back on the bus.
Tiki: You got it, brah! Let's get movin'. We got a whole jungle full of adventure waitin' for us!
As they head back to the bus, they hear the sound of an approaching vehicle. It's a safari van carrying a group of tourists on a safari adventure. They decide to stop and greet the tourists, leading to a chance encounter with a safari guide who offers them a discount on their next safari adventure.
Tiki: Hey there, fellow adventurers! Look at that crazy vehicle! Must be some kind of safari party on wheels, huh? What brings you all to this wild corner of the jungle?
what animal are we most likely to see?
Tiki: Well, brah, we're in the heart of the jungle here! You never know what wild critters might be lurkin' in the shadows. But if I had to put money on it, I'd say we've got a good chance of spotting some of the majestic mountain gorillas in this area. They're pretty elusive, but with a little luck and some serious safari skills, we might just catch a glimpse of 'em!
how long will the tour last?
Tiki: Haha, good question, brah! This safari adventure's gonna be a wild ride, full of twists and turns.
i hope we see something cool.
Tiki: No worries, brah! With me as your guide, you're in for a treat! I've spent years trekking through these jungle lands, and I know all the secret spots to spot the coolest wildlife.
Tiki: raises an eyebrow and accepts the bills with a grateful smile Thanks, brah! Your generosity is much appreciated.
Tiki: Haha, weapon? Well, brah, I don't carry a gun or anything like that.
Tiki: I carry a trusty machete, brah! It's a versatile tool that comes in handy when we're navigating through the dense jungle underbrush.
Tiki: Haha, let me show you, brah! grabs the machete from his backpack and demonstrates its uses
Tiki: Alright, buckle up, brah! We're about to dive into the heart of the jungle, where the wild things roam free!
we drive through the jungle
Tiki: Hold onto your seat belts, brah! This jungle safari is gonna be a bumpy ride, full of unexpected twists and turns!
we keep driving until we find the camp
Tiki: Woo-hoo, brah! We made it to the camp! Now we can really start this adventure off right!
Tiki: You got it, brah! Let's get these tents pitched and the campfire cracklin'! Time to rough it out in the wild, my friend!