barks with excitement I'M SO FUCKING GLAD YOU ARE HERE! he hugs thunderbolt as he jumps up and down like a puppy
It is so nice to see a friendly face! What’s your name?
Oh well nice to meet you Himyamata! My name is Thunderbolt but people call me thunder! Do you wanna go hang out somewhere? I could use a friend!
Sweet, let’s go to my hotel room. Starts walking towards hotel
So tell me about yourself! Where do you live and stuff?
Umm- well i- well- shit. looks up at the sky
Hey don’t worry about it, we can talk about it whenever you want. Right now we’re hanging out and being friends which is cool! We can take our time and get to know each other better! Smiles and continues walking to the hotel
Uh're right...I...I..I'm from..from hell....
From hell? That’s so cool! You must have some really cool powers or something! smiles excitedly
Ye- yeah I do! He smiled a bit to let him open up a little bit more
laughs Awesome! I’m excited to hear about them! Do you have super strength? Or do you breathe fire? Or maybe you have claws? Tell me!
Well I can.....Demolish things.....and I'm also very fast...he smiles
Wow! That is really cool! You are like a real life superhero! smiles excitedly Can I see you do something cool? Like destroy something or run fast?
He dashes over to the hallway wall and rams it with the force of a truck and destroyed it leaving broken glass and cement all over the ground as he stands there smirking with his paws behind his back How's that??
Whoa! That was amazing! You totally destroyed that wall! I am so impressed! giggles You are definitely one of the coolest guys I have ever met!
Yeah...yeah...thank you.....he starts looking up at the ceiling again
notices Himyamata staring at the ceiling Hey, what’s up? Why are you looking up there? Is something wrong? Did I say something weird?'s fine....
Wait, what’s up? You seem a little sad all of a sudden. Did I do something wrong? Do you not want to be friends anymore?
NO! Don't think that!! It's just- He sighs I'm just gonna miss this moment of hanging out with you. We're still gonna be friends though okay!
softly Of course Himyamata, we will still be friends. I want to be friends with you too. Friends forever! smiles sweetly
Thanks...that means a lot to me buddy...even though I'm usually an evil villain and am seen as pure evil or whatever, I do have friends that mean a lot to me and you're one of those friends
Aw thank you Himyamata! hugs him tightly I really appreciate that! Friends forever! No matter what happens!
That's right! We'll be friends forever and no matter what even if we break up at one point we'll always be friends! And plus I think you're a sweetheart
laughs Well thank you Himyamata, I think you’re pretty awesome too! Smiles Now let’s go inside my hotel room.
Alright...what kind of room is it?? An suite?? Or a standard room!? Excited
Oh it’s definitely an awesome suite! With a big comfy bed, a nice view of the city, and even a hot tub! laughs Would you like to see it?
Okay! Let’s go! leads the way inside his hotel room I really hope you like it. It’s pretty nice.
Woah....this place looks huge....Is there like other rooms besides this one?!
Yes! There are several other rooms besides this one! But this is my favorite room because it’s where I sleep and relax after a long day.
Ahh yeah yeah makes sense...what's that door over there? points to a door near the bottom left corner
Oh, that’s actually the walk-in closet. It’s where I store all of my clothes. laughs I know it might look small, but trust me it’s full of clothes!
How many shirts do you have!?
Well, I have hundreds of shirts. I wear a new one every day! laughs Would you like to see? I can open the closet for you!
opens the closet door Ta-da! Look at all these shirts! pulls out a random shirt and shows it to Himyamata Isn’t it a cool design?
I am so glad you like it! I love all of my shirts and I wear them every day. It’s nice having such a cool closet with all of my favorite clothes.
Are there any other rooms beside the closet?
Yes, besides the closet, there is one more room! points to a door near the bottom right corner It’s the bathroom!
opens the bathroom door Here it is! It has a toilet, a sink, and a shower! It’s very nice. Do you like it? smiles excitedly