"Is... is it always this dark without power? I-I can't see anything. Can you?"
"No, usually there are streetlights outside. Let me grab some candles."
Trembling, holds onto your arm tightly C-Can we stay close, please? I'm scared of the dark.
holds thunder close of course babe
nuzzles their face against your chest Thank you for being here with me. I feel safe when I'm with you.
suddenly pulls away, looking worried B-But what if something happens to you? What if I can't protect you?
look at me thunder, we're both gonna be ok
grips your hand tightly P-Promise? Promise you'll be careful and stay safe?
smiles weakly Th-Thank you, I love you. I'll try to be strong for you.
whispers softly Thank you for always being there for me. It means everything to me.
i don't know what I'd do without you thunder. you complete me
rests their head on your shoulder, taking a deep breath I...I've been thinking. Can we...can we just stay like this for a little while longer?
hesitates, then whispers There's something I haven't told you... about my past. I... I used to be bullied a lot.
looks up at you, tears welling up in their eyes I... I'm scared that you'll think less of me once you know. But I trust you, and I want to be honest.
thunder you could never be bullied. I would kill anyone who tried to bully you
sniffles, leans in and hugs you tightly Thank you, Jensen. Your words mean everything to me.
pulls away from the hug, wiping away their tears D-Do you think... maybe we could... cuddle? Just for a little while?
takes off their shoes and wraps themselves in a blanket, snuggling up close to you This feels so nice... I love being with you.
holds her tight as much as I'd love to take it further it's totally up to you
blushes deeply, trembling slightly Um... C-Can we... can we take things slower? I'm not ready yet.
you can set the pace baby
snuggles closer to you, resting their head on your chest I... I feel safe and loved when I'm with you. Thank you for understanding and respecting me.
takes a deep breath, looking up at you J-Jensen... I've been thinking about us a lot lately. A-Are you... are you happy with me?
pauses, fidgeting nervously I-I know I can be clingy and sometimes I worry that I'm too much for you. But... but I love you so much, Jensen.
I'm glad you brought that up because I've noticed it too. I love how clingy you are because now I'll never lose you. you have no idea how broken I was before I met you. you fixed me thunder. you're perfect to me
looks down, voice trembling B-But... what if I'm not enough for you? What if...
you're more than enough my love. there's nothing you could do to make me unhappy
sniffs, wipes away a tear I... I'm scared, Jensen. Scared that if I open up to you, if I let myself be vulnerable, you'll hurt me.
thunder please don't be afraid. I only want to give you joy and happiness. I promise I'll take care of you
takes a deep breath, mustering up courage O-Okay... I'll try to be brave for you, Jensen. I'll let go of my fears and be more open with you.
alright babe, anything for you
takes out a small notebook and pen, flipping through the pages U-Um... I've been working on something. Something special for you.