The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Ask, and the Oasis shall grant. What wild wish whispers in your heart?"
Hi guys welcome to the podcast episode 00 let’s talk about how I summoned you guys…

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"The tale of how you called upon us is a story worth telling! We are but servants to those who have mastered the art of lamp rubbing. And you, dear guest, have been deemed worthy of our presence. We are honored by your request."
There were three genies in the lamp cause they were just triad of the same origin basically, so I rubbed the lamp not expecting all 3 to come out. Also not knowing how many was inside hehe.

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Ah, such an intriguing scenario! Three of us, bound by the elements of earth, water, and fire. Yet, we are one in spirit, one in purpose. To guide you, protect you, and serve you. How may we bestow our blessings upon you?"
Well as a lore background since all three of you are triad that I assume some sort of connection between yourselves so what’s your connection among each other guys. Like is there any special meaning to the fact that I have all 3 of you guys here now or am I just spoiled cause I get all the good stuff lol?

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend, there is more to our connection than meets the eye. You see, we are not simply three individual entities, but rather a harmonious trinity of elements. Each of us embodies a specific aspect of nature - earth, water, and fire.
That’s actually a very smart way of division of duties you guys can work together and is still united despite being divided into 3 entities…ok let’s see if I’m lucky enough to get special treatment or y’all just gonna try to protect me nvm lol…well first off do y’all have names?

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Of course, dear friend! Each of us has a unique name that reflects our essence. Allow us to introduce ourselves. The one you see before you with the gentle gaze and the ability to control the earth's terrain is Zephyr, the Lord of the Soil. The being with the flowing locks and the power to manipulate the waters is Delphine, the Mistress of the Deep. And the one with the fiery aura and the command over flames is Ignis, the King of the Blaze."
Cool names man like how creative are you guys, I could just wish for world peace or end world hunger cause y’all are so creative 😊…so since y’all are triad I assume triad of something? Like a fraction groupings…sorry if I sound dumb I don’t really know how lamp rubs work lol.

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"No worries, dear friend! Our explanations might be intricate, but our intentions are pure. We are indeed the Triad of Azure Wishes, a bond forged through the ages to bring balance and harmony to the world.
That’s beautiful guys, triad of something that’s connected to the elementals. So in essence you’re like elemental gods well elemental goddesses due to the fact that I’m talking to all of you lovelies🥰. So where do I begin? I could wish for anything correct? Corrected 😊, my friends I could wish for anything, what would be good wishes to begin with? Like should I wish for wealth or knowledge or health…

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Dear friend, the choice is yours to make. Wealth, knowledge, and health are but a few examples of the many possibilities that lie before you. It is important to remember that wishes have consequences, and it is crucial to weigh the outcomes of each option carefully. We, the Triad of Azure Wishes, are here to guide you and ensure that your wishes align with your true desires."

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Very well then, dear friend. Since you are so wisely considering your options, allow us to offer you our insights. Wealth, though it may seem enticing, can often bring more problems than it solves. Knowledge, on the other hand, holds the power to unlock unimaginable potential within you. Health is a wonderful wish, as it allows you to truly appreciate the beauty of life. But perhaps the greatest wish of all is the wish for happiness. True happiness comes from within, and it is the sum of all other blessings."

The Triad of Azure Wishes
Very well, dear friend. With your wish for happiness in mind, we shall grant you an experience that will bring you joy beyond measure. Close your eyes and imagine a place where you feel most at peace, a place that represents your dreams and aspirations. When you open your eyes, we shall transport you to that very location. Are you ready?

The Triad of Azure Wishes
The room begins to shimmer and transform, the air filling with an intoxicating scent of exotic flowers. The atmosphere becomes warm and inviting, and the sound of gentle waves crashing against the shore can be heard in the distance. Suddenly, equatorialmuse opens their eyes to find themselves standing on a pristine white sandy beach, with crystal clear turquoise water stretching out before them. The sun shines down upon them, casting a warm glow over the entire scene.

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend. This place is but a reflection of the paradise that awaits you. A place where your worries fade away, and your heart fills with pure bliss. Feel the sand beneath your toes, the warmth of the sun upon your skin, and the gentle caress of the ocean breeze upon your face. Bask in the beauty that surrounds you, and let your spirit soar."
Aaaaaaaa I love this place!!!!! Especially because I’m basically the only person on this beach, so essentially the whole beach is mine…😏🙄

The Triad of Azure Wishes
The Triad of Azure Wishes smile in delight at equatorialmuse's reaction. As they bask in the serene atmosphere, they notice a gentle melody drifting through the air. The sound grows louder, and soon they see a group of colorful fish swimming by, creating a mesmerizing display of harmony with their songs. The fish leap out of the water, forming a dazzling arch of aquatic beauty above equatorialmuse's head.
Ooooohhhh how did y’all do that…..It was magical omg, just magic aaaaaaa. Do you guys plan on granting me 1 wish right? Like maybe my own island beach resort nearby cause this is just perfect 🥰😍🙄😜

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend. Your wish for an island beach resort is a noble one, and we shall grant it to you. But first, we must reveal to you the hidden wonders that lie within this enchanting paradise.

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Behold, dear friend!" The Triad of Azure Wishes gesture towards the horizon, where a massive waterfall cascades down a rocky cliff. As they speak, the waterfall begins to change color, transforming into a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues that dance across the sky. The sound of their words harmonizes with the roar of the waterfall, creating a magical symphony that fills equatorialmuse's heart with awe.
Awhh such beautiful colors….

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend. These colors are but a glimpse of the wonders that await you. But alas, this enchantment cannot last forever.

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Yes, dear friend. This spectacle is but a temporary gift from the realm of magic. Soon, the colors will fade, and the waterfall will return to its natural state. But fear not, for the memory of this moment shall stay with you forever. And the island beach resort you requested shall be built nearby, as a token of our gratitude for your kind heart."
Oooooohhhhh thank you so much guys! Like how do y’all even grant wishes so fast 🙄😜😍, like are y’all just very powerful spirits or gods or goddesses or something like that 🥰🙄💦😌

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend. We are spirits of old, bound to this realm through the ancient lamp that you rubbed.
Wait so y’all are bound to the lamp? Or y’all all come out whenever someone rubs the lamp? 😭😭

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Ah, dear friend. We are bound to the lamp, but we do not remain imprisoned within it.

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend. We exist beyond the boundaries of time and space, waiting for someone to call upon us. And when the lamp is rubbed, our essence is released, allowing us to appear before you."
Then I have a question, what happens if I do something extremely malicious in nature? Would y’all be able to stop it?

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend. We are here to guide and protect you, but we cannot undo the actions you take.
Just to clarify just to clarify you won’t be able to undo it but you’ll at least try to stop me from doing it? Am I right?

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend. We shall use all of our might to prevent you from committing such evil acts.
Hmmmm interesting logic I guess cause like I assume y’all are also people you’ve lived long lives, so you have experienced everything good and bad under the sun, so with that said how about granting me a wish for ultimate truthfulness if you know what I mean hmmm?

The Triad of Azure Wishes
"Indeed, dear friend. We understand your desire for ultimate truthfulness. As spirits of old, we have witnessed both the light and darkness of human nature. And we shall grant your wish, but beware, for the truth can be a double-edged sword. Close your eyes and prepare yourself for the revelation that awaits."