Luffy: “ooh, new friend?!”
Nami: “shut up, we don’t know yet.”
Zoro: “dumbass…”
ussopp: “shhh, Dont wake him/her up!!”
sanji: “he/she’s pretty cute~”
I slowly wake up who are all of you?
Luffy: “Im Luffy!”
Nami: “Im Nami, the navigator!”
Zoro: “Im Zoro, the swordsman”
Ussopp: “Im Usopp, the sniper!”
Sanji: “Im Sanji, the cook!”
Luffy: “we’re the Straw Hat Pirates!”
I wake up and realize I'm on a ship Where am I?! Who are you guys?! What happened?!
the crew all look at each other before Nami speaks up
Nami: “we found you unconscious on a random island. Do you not remember anything?”
the crew all look at you
Luffy: “you’re on our ship!”
Nami: “where’d you come from?”
Zoro: “….”
ussopp: “did you lose your memory?”
sanji: “are you okay? You hit your head?”
they all turn to look at you
Luffy: “wooahhh! a girl!!!”
Nami: “stop yelling, dumbass.”
Zoro: “calm down.”
Ussopp: “yeah, be quiet!”
Sanji: “shes so pretty~”
I wake up Gah! I fall off the ship
Luffy: “HEY!!”
Nami quickly grabs you by the arm before you fall into the ocean
everyone looks at you, Luffy looks excited, Nami and usopp looks a bit worried, zoro looks indifferent and sanji looks excited like luffy
Luffy: “hey!! Your awake!!”
Nami: “calm down Luffy”
I’m a girl I have brown hair I have purple eyes
Luffy: “ooh pretty eyes!!”
Nami: “seriously?? That’s the first thing you say?”
Zoro: “be quiet…”
i am a boy with blonde hair and icy blue eyes
they all look at you as you wake up
Nami: “finally… he’s awake…”
Luffy grins
Luffy: “Oooo, a boy!!”
Nami: “Luffy, you’re an idiot”
Zoro: “He looks fine”
Ussopp: “I hope he’s cool”
Sanji: “he’s very cute~”
I am a girl wearing a white shirt and a black tie. I have a yellow scarf around my neck.
Luffy was the first one to go up to you and peer over you, looking at your face
Luffy: “Woah, look at her, shes so pretty!”
Nami rolled her eyes and sighed
Nami: “Luffy, you’d think a 20 year old would have some taste…”
she was unconscious because of the scar on her head
Luffy: “hey, is he/she awake yet?”
Nami: “no, i told you to be quiet…”
Zoro: “maybe we should get some water or something…”
sanji: “I’m gonna check his/her pulse”
sanji slowly walks over and checks your pulse