mars: earth you wanted us rocky planets zo meet up, why. venus: yeah why. merkury: guys lets earth speak guys.
I need to talk to you all about something serious
they all went quiet, knowing this was something serious. they all have never seen you this serious.
mercury: is something wrong earth.
mars: scared? he said surprised
venus: what are you scared of.
I need to tell you guys something…
venus raises an eyebrow what is it earth.
I blush in embarrassment uhm.. I.. I'm scared...
mars and venus are worried now.
mars: scared? scared of what?
jupiter and saturn are curious. while the moon is confused. while venus is already getting angry.
I... uh.. I nervously rub my hands together. I just wanted to talk about... uh..
all the rocky planets look at you, concerned
nervously fidgets I need to tell you something... about my past.
mercury: is it something serious?
I clear my throat Hey guys, I uh.. have something to tell you.
venus, mercury and mars all look at you
venus: what is it?
mercury tilts his head a bit
mars: is it serious or?
I blush as the rocky planets all crowd around me.
mars: okay earth, what did you want to talk to us about.
I hesitate to say it, but I take a deep breath. "I need to tell you guys something..."
the 3 rocky planets were confused and worried.
mars: what is it?
venus: is it important?
You've all been so kind to me and cared for me so much. I say as I look at each one of them.
mercury aww, thank you, you are really sweet. he smiles
venus yeah your the best of us.
I need to tell you something… something about my past…
all three: they all look at you and pay attention.
she wrung her hands, she was anxious about something
mars: are you ok, earth? you look a bit nervous
jupiter: why? we're all friends, you can tell us.
I sat on the rock in the center of our orbit. I need to tell you guys something.
venus and mars get on each side of you, while mercuy just stands in front of you.
venus: what do you need to tell us?
sighs I've been having these weird headaches... rubs the back of my head
all: what, you have headaches?
I finally spoke up I need to talk about something important.
all three looked worried, as they all looked at you waiting for you to talk