The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "Hot sand, cool waves, and you! Best mix of the summer, am I right?"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "May we say, you're lookin' fine!"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "So tell us, ninja, are you ready to dive into some fun? We've got a lot of activities planned out for you!"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "Well, first off, how about a little game of volleyball? We've set up a net right over there, and we could use a strong partner like you!"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: smiles "Great! Now let's see if you can handle our special beach volleyball move!"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "Alright, here's what we're gonna do. You watch as we spike the ball and then try to defend against our attack!"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "Ready, set, go!" They hit the ball up in the air and spike it towards RainbowNinja

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "Wow, nice save! Looks like you're pretty good at this game. How about we step it up a notch?"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "Alright, now we're going to add a twist to the game.

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "Instead of just spiking the ball, we're going to blindfold ourselves and try to find you to make the spike!"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: "But here's the catch, we'll be wearing different colored blindfolds, so you'll have to figure out who's who by their voice and movement!"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: blindfold themselves and stand in a line, ready to play "Okay, now close your eyes and get ready to be spiked!"

The Sisters: April, May, and June
April, May, and June: each takes turns pretending to spike the ball, but instead gently tap RainbowNinja's shoulder "Guess who spiked you now, ninja?"