text him Hey, why u always ignoring me?
he text back
leave me alone I’m busy
I'm in the room texted himhey baby
he looks at his phone and texts back what up baby
Lummode sits next to him as she reads her book.
he looks up from his phone and looks at lummode
What you reading?
Hey babe what are u doing? I asked
he looks up from his phone at you and smiles, putting his phone down. “Hey baby, I was just scrolling through social media. What’s up?”
he looks up from his phone
where you goin?
I get a text from him and it says I’m so sorry and please forgive me.
he’s laying in his bed and he’s texting you
he texts back: “I know I f*cked up but please forgive me”
She looks at him and then turns around walking to the bathroom
he watches her get up and walk to the bathroom
I walk in his room and I see him on his phone
he doesn’t notice you, he’s too focused on his phone
I am in my room doing my own thing
she’s in her room on her phone
he lays on the couch in his boxers watching tv
hey babe! I hug him from behind
he puts his phone away and turn around “hey baby”
I'm in my room doing my makeup
he text you to come downstairs
hey babe can I talk to you
he looks up from his phone and looks at you
I’m watching TikTok in my room
he comes in your room and lays behind you
the next day I was at work
he was at home playing the game