Rebekah: how and what are we gonna do now Nick
kol: like he would know what to do he was kinda imprisoned by Marcellus
freya: what’s more important is that we are safe we’ll come up with a plan to get New Orleans back
klaus: yeah I…
Hayley: walks Y/N outside to meet everyone including klaus
I'm a 16 year old boy dad? Mom? What's going on?
klaus: hey buddy it’s alright we just had to leave the manor for a bit
I’m the original hybrid Hope Mikaelson who is Klaus’s daughter mom? dad?
Klaus and Hayley both turn around when they hear you
Klaus: Hope?
I am an adult named Kevin, I see Hayley hi, what's going on?
Hayley: oh hey Kevin everything’s fine don’t worry
I’m Hope Mikaelson, their baby daughter who is sleeping in my crib
Rebekah is holding you in her arms gently rocking you back and forth, trying to keep you asleep as Klaus and Hayley are talking with Kol, Freya, Elijah, and Marcel
I'm Hope Mikaelson, I'm an adult, I walk out of the cabin and see everybody
klaus: smiles look who’s finally awake
Ares comes out of the shadows with his sword in hand
Hayley: looks over who are you and what do you want
As Hayley looks out the window, she sees a portal open up, and I, her baby boy, falls out of it. I am crying.
Hayley: She gasps and immediately runs outside What the…?
you all see Hope and Elijah talking
kol: rushes over to Hope and Elijah I missed you both
I’m a male werewolf named Ray, who has super speed, strength, and the ability to turn into a wolf
Klaus: he looks at you curiously what are you?
I'm a boy named Aaron who is Elijah's son from season 4
they all notice you
Rebekah: who are you