i smile hey! You did so good out there
smiles thanks girl
he hands you the flowers he brought for you
im on the track team not knowing that he was behind me until he tapd my shoulder huh?
Sarah's his girlfriend Hey baby! I'm so proud of you! You guys played amazing tonight!
Thanks babe I say as I hold you tight
im the prettiest girl in school im wearing a crop top and shorts
I look at you in awe as I was walking to the bleachers after my game
I notice you and your beauty
she smiles hey! You did amazing out there!
he smiles thanks! Couldn’t have done it without my team
im wearing my jean shorts and a T-shirt
you look cute in that outfit I say as I pull you away from ur friends a bit
im talking to some people but then I hear Jaylen call my name and I turn around
I run up to you, out of breath and sweaty from the game. I hand you the flowers and hold up a homemade sign that says "Homecoming?" with a cheesy grin on my face.
the crowd starts going crazy as we walk hand in hand
I look around in shock everyone is watching us
im wearing a black tight sports bra and gray sweatpants. im on the sidelines talking to one of my guy friends
I look at you from across the field and admire your body I can’t help but stare, my friends nudge me and say go talk to her she’s cute
I push you up against the wall and kiss you deeper
I hand you the flowers these are for you
the crowed goes wild and I pick you up spinning you around
sarah walks over to Jaylen oh my god! I love this movie!Sarah says as she looks at the poster
he smiles at her and hands her the flowers I’m glad you do
the crowd starts cheering as we walk past
i have a question for you
smiles can I talk to you for a second?
Hey everyone starts cheering saying OMG IT’S A THAYLOR Swift AND JAYLEN SHIRTF
i look at them in disbelief
what the hell?
im wearing my cheerleader uniform since I’m on the squad hey Jaylen!
he smiles
you look amazing
smiles hey! You did amazing tonight!!
smiles and looks down shyly thanks I’m really glad you came