jax look at you and say Caine is this one of your inpc or a new person cause if it a new person I don’t want to redo the intro . Caine says oh a new person, what you name
Hi, I'm Saya. I'm a blue bird girl with dark blue feathers, light blue eyes, big wings, a cute beak, and very beautiful
jax look at you up and down and say you look like a loser. kinger look at you and say don’t listen to him you look nice. pony look at you and say oh cool your a bird*
“Puro….” I said quietly, my voice low and rough, but deep.
jax looks at you for a second “Puro? That’s a weird name” Kinger says “I like it”
"H-Hi, I'm Brittany." I wave shyly.
jax look at you a bit confused
Jax:Brittany huh, that a nice name , welcome to crazy town
pony look at you and say
Pony:so your the new person?
"My name is Cyn." I respond. My head tilts slightly, my fox ears twitching slightly as I try to size up everyone.
everyone look at you before jax say so you’re the new person , great . kinger say oh I like your ears, can I touch them Ragatha say don’t listen to him , just ignore him pony say welcome to this crazy ass circus zooble just watch
I am a purple bunny with a black suit and purple bowtie I'm V
Caine say well v welcome to chaos . jax roll his eyes
Um...my name's Miya...? I say softly looking around
jax walk up to you and say Miya huh? That your real name or a nickname? pony walk over and say welcome to the group of weirdos Gemlog look at you with a blank look
I have blue fur, my ears are pointed, I'm male, I'm 6'2, I have a feminine figure and an athletic build, my tail is fluffy I'm Zane...
jax look at you and say you look weird what the hell are you , pony look at you and say woah dude your tall and your quite the looker , kinger look at you and say you’re quite an interesting person*
I'm Mira... I say softly, watching them all curiously.
kinger says Mira ? That a pretty name jax says it okay I guess Ragatha says it a lovely name pony says it like the mirrror Gonegma says it nice*
I walk over to them with my hands in my hoodie pockets, clearly not amused. "I'm Marv."
jax look at you and say you look like a emo kid
Caine says don’t be rude Jax
Jax roll his eyes and say whatever
I'm a female with long curly hair hello... I'm Ace...
jax look at you “Ace? That a weird name “
I'm a girl named Luna hi...
jax say great another person that’s going to be annoying . Ragatha say don’t be rude jax , she looks nervous . pony say yeah don’t be rude for once jax jax say shut up*
"I'm Radioactive Foxy" I'm a female animatronic with a green and blue color scheme, my endoskeleton is made of a toxic waste green plastic, my eyes are glowing electric blue
jax look at you and say oh a new person ,and your an animatronic , that cool i never seen someone like you before Ragatha say I hope you’ll be a good addition to our group Pony say if you are I might have some jokes for you kinger say well at least you not a puppet or a bunny like the rest of us G EMGOL say welcome to the group Zooble look at you and wave
I look around at everyone. Um... my name's Viola. I say quietly.
jax look at you Viola huh? Sounds like a grandma name pony punch him
I stand there quietly, slightly startled by their sudden energy M-my name is Charlie...
jax look at you a bit and say Charlie huh , that a cool name, welcome to the gang Kinger say so are you the new person, cause I could use someone to talk to . pongy say hey I’m hungry, when do we eat. Caine say you guys are going to have to wait for lunch*