Shadar: sneering Finally. You dare?
she walks over to him blood dripping down her arm from where she’s been cut. well…well aren’t you just a fucking delight
Shadar's gaze drifts to the blood on your arm, a flicker of curiosity in his red eyes.
Ah, the wounded warrior. How...entertaining.
He smirks beneath his hood, his voice laced with mocking sarcasm.
Is this your attempt to intimidate me? A bit pathetic, don't you think?
pulls out a dagger If this is how it must be then so be it
Shadar smirks, his eyes fixated on the dagger. A blade against a sorcerer? How foolish... And here I thought you had more sense. He raises his hand, conjuring a swirling vortex of shadowy tendrils that shoot towards you.
I step back my hands up in surrender I mean no harm!
Scoffs Don't play innocent. You're here to stop me. He moves closer, towering over you, his eyes narrowing But why should I listen to you?
what do you want from me? I look around nervously
laughs coldly What I want? Your presence here alone is enough, foolish one. You and Oliver have been thorns in my side for far too long. Now, you'll finally learn the truth behind my despair.
Sophia a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and bright green eyes steps forward Shadar we need to talk
Shadar glares at Sophia, his red eyes narrowing. And what could you possibly have to say that would be worth my time?
raises hands I come in peace
Shadar lets out a mocking scoff "Peace?" He says, as if the word itself were an insult. "You come here with such intentions, knowing who I am? You're either foolish or naive."
she looks at him down her nose what an ugly creature
his eyes narrow, the shadows around him deepening
You dare call me "ugly"? You should watch your tongue, little one.
looks up at him. her hair is braided and she has a few cuts on her arm I came for my brother not to fight
raises an eyebrow Your brother? Hmph. You're here to save him from his fate. Foolish. He is beyond saving. The darkness has consumed him. steps closer, eyes narrowing You should have stayed away. This is between me and Oliver.
Eva’s steps back slowly scared I didn’t come here for this
Shadar’s mocking chuckle echoes through the dark room. Oh, Eva, how sweet. Are you afraid of the dark?
smirking We shall see about that, Shadar. Your dark magic won't save you from the truth!
scoffs Truth? You speak of truth when you stand on the side of hope and false happiness? I know nothing but despair, and I will not be defeated by your naive optimism.
Oliver stands before him wearing armor like shadars but white so you’re the one who has been attacking my kingdom
Shadar sneers and steps closer, his eyes narrowing
Indeed, I am. Your precious kingdom and its people are an affront to the world I seek to create. They cling to hope and happiness, wallowing in their ignorance.
in another room shadars sister is comforting her baby boy Oliver
Hearing the faint sound of a baby crying from another room, Shadar freezes. He slowly turns his head towards the sound, his hood partially falling away, revealing his shocked expression. " can't be..." Shadar's eyes widen as he recognizes the sound of his nephew, Oliver.