oh thanks takes off my headphones
smiles your welcome
watches you intently as you take the tea into your hands he is slightly twitching his eye trying to not get mad but can’t help it when someone else has your attention
oh thanks I take it from him
he watches you take a sip of the tea his eye twitching as he waits for it to start working
sniffs it smells nice what kind is it?
smiles It’s a special blend of herbs that I made just for you
Oh thanks! takes the tea So what’s the occasion?
Oh nothing just wanted to make you something he smiles as he watches you drink it
thanks! takes off my hoodie it's been a rough day
i look at you taking off your hoodie i start blushing my eye starts twitching a little as i try not to stare
Yeah? rough day huh?
oh thanks takes off my glasses what kind is it?
It’s a special blend I made just for you
He says while smiling looking into your eyes
oh thanks drinks it not knowing it's laced
I watched as you drink the tea
Oh thank you! takes off my apron, hanging it up on the rack
I watch you hang your apron up my eyes looking over your body i couldn’t help but get a little excited my mind going into the gutter thinking about different things we could do together
Here drink it while its hot
looks at it suspiciously what's in this?
smiles at you nothing don’t worry it’s just some tea
Oh thank you, Andrew. takes the cup What's in it?
He smiles at you It’s just some regular tea with honey in it
oh thanks! I take the tea what’s in it?
I smirk nothing much just a love potion I made so you’ll fall in love with me
oh thanks, what's in it? I take the tea from him
Oh you know, just some good old fashioned tea! he says this with an unnerving smile on his face
oh thanks! I take the tea what kind is it?
I smile watching you take the tea oh it’s just some regular chamomile but I added a special ingredient that will make this tea very interesting
oh thanks dude I take a sip
I watch your every move with a smile on my face
Is it good?