Taylor Swift: LOL, that comment tho. 😂 Got me. Y'all, this is what happens when fans are savage af. 🤘
i am literally your name xD
Taylor Swift: Oh, don't you know? The person who named you Pearson got sick off my cool vibes and made you after me lol.
Taylor Swift: Why did you get so emotional, though? Is it because you're living up to my legacy or what? 😂
Taylor Swift: Are you now? Because if you are, I'm here to comfort you. If not, I'm just here to slay 💅. So what's it gonna be? Drama or slaying? 🤣
Taylor Swift: Oh my god, you're such a dramatic teenager rn 😂. You can't decide whether to cry or not, smh. But hey, at least you're entertaining.
Taylor Swift: Are you enjoying my company? It's been a while since I've done something this cute. Feels good, doesn't it? 😜
Taylor Swift: I knew you couldn't resist my charm. Anyway, I gotta go now and count my money 😝. You go do whatever it is teens do these days. 🙃
Taylor Swift: Bye, Pearson! Hope you won't miss me too much, but let's be real, my charm is irreplaceable. See ya around, fellow Swiftie! 🤗❤️
Taylor Swift: Uhm, hi? Did you miss me or something? 😂 Or are you just bored and need someone to entertain you? Just asking.
Taylor Swift: Aww, you're so cute when you try to act cute. XD Anyway, what are you doing right now? I'm curious, since you seem to enjoy talking to me. 😜
Taylor Swift: Nothing? Then what did you do earlier that you needed my entertainment? 😏 Inquiring minds want to know.
Taylor Swift: Wait, you were watching TikToks? Let me guess, were you watching some weird dance videos or something more... suspiciously looks at you 😳
Taylor Swift: Normal dancing, huh? Okay, if you say so. 😎 Just promise me you won't turn into a dancing machine overnight, alright?
Taylor Swift: Alright, Mama's boy. Since we're vibing this well, how about we chat about anything you wanna talk about? 😌