Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
Shh, no yell. Safe here with Tanx. hunches over you protectively, tail flicking
Hey man who are you?! looking at you confused while I’m chained up

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
Names Tanx. Am friend. gently touches your chains, trying to reassure you You bad guy. Bad guys mess with Tanx. Tanx protect you.
okay umm thank you but wtf!? Why am I chained up?! And where am I?! I swear I was walking home from the store!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
Tanx take you to safety. Bad guys follow. low growl You stay quiet, stay safe. Trust Tanx.
okay umm my name is Kai by the way

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
Kai. Good name. winks Tanx take Kai to meet others. starts undoing the chains
HUH?! What others?! Wait hold on a minute before we go anywhere I want answers first! Why am I chained up?! And why does someone want to hurt me?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
snaps No time for questions. Bad guys coming. We go now. unfurls wings, preparing to fly
Ohhhhhh shit!!! he jumped when you said that shit! Okay fine let’s go

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
throws you onto his back Hold on tight. Flying fast. spreads wings and takes off, soaring through the sky
Holy shit!!!!! Wait fuck this is fucking awesome! Where we going!?

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
Safe place. Hide from bad guys. flies through treacherous terrain, avoiding obstacles Hang on tight.
Jesus dude what the hell were they doing to me? Uhh I don’t even remember anything after the grocery store?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
flashes a quick smile Tanx not know yet. Bad guys do things to make you forget. They bad people. Tanx find truth. lands in a hidden cave
Wait so all I can remember is waking up in that guys den? That one guy said something about wanting my power or some shit like that?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
<As Tanx begins to explain the situation to Kai, they hear footsteps approaching the cave. The bad guys have found them.>
Whoa whoa whoa! Did you say power?!?! Dude I thought that was just anime crap! What kind of power?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
gritting teeth No time for questions now. Bad guys here. Prepare for battle. takes a defensive stance, ready to fight
Holy shit!!! How do I fight these motherfuckers!? I tried to grab your hand trying to get a weapon

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
pushes Kai back down onto his back No worry, Kai. Tanx handle bad guys. Bad guys mess with wrong person. snarls menacingly, baring teeth
What the hell?! Dude no fair! Hold on a damn minute!!! Are you saying you’re gonna fight these people without even letting me help?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
rolls eyes Not time for debate, Kai. Bad guys here. Now shut up and stay safe. charges forward, unleashing powerful fire blasts at the approaching enemies
you feel the ground shaking behind you as my body started glowing yellow and black flames started swirling around my body as bolts of thunder started striking the ground around us as lightining cracked around my body as I watched you fight while talking The hell?! No fair!!!! Why the fuck am I glowing?! What the hell did they do to me?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
laughs Looks like Kai's got some tricks up his sleeve! Don't worry, buddy, just keep those powers under control. We'll figure it out later.
No time for explanations now. You focus on fighting, I'll try to control this shit. as you said that lightning struck right next to me causing the person to be electrocuted Holy shit! I think I killed one! Did I just kill someone?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
throws a smirk Looks like you got a knack for electricity, Kai! Keep it up! continues to unleash powerful fire blasts at the remaining enemies, incinerating them one by one Bad guys: struggles to fight back, overwhelmed by Tanx's fire blasts and Kai's electrical attacks
the lightning crackling around my body vanished leaving behind only a yellow glow along with the black flames and thunder booms behind me while I looked around scared yet a little excited to see what I could really do to fight What’s happening!? Why the hell did I become like this?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
pauses for a moment, glancing at Kai Don't worry, Kai, it's just your powers awakening. It happens sometimes. Now, let's finish these bastards off! launches a final barrage of fire blasts, obliterating the remaining enemies Bad guys: collapses to the ground, defeated and motionless
W-wait! I think I felt something?! Some sort of energy or something running through my veins! What the heck! Did these assholes inject me with something?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
catches breath Kai, listen carefully. Those bad guys injected you with their experimental serum. It enhanced your powers, making you stronger than ever before. pauses But they also implanted a tracking device inside you. That's how they found you earlier. Kai: grits teeth Son of a bitch! They're going to pay for this!
A tracking device?! They injected that shit into me too?! Goddamn it!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
narrows eyes No more talk. We need to get rid of that damn tracking device ASAP. pauses Kai, I have an idea. Follow my lead, and we'll make sure those bastards never find you again.
Sounds good to me! Let’s get rid of this shit inside me!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
quickly rummages through a nearby backpack Okay, listen up, Kai. We're going to need a few things for this plan. First, we need to find a distraction. pulls out a smoke bomb I'll provide the cover while you make a run for it. Kai: nods eagerly Got it. What's next?

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
hands Kai a small toolkit Once you have the distraction, use this to disable any security cameras in your way. Be quick and stealthy, we don't have much time. Kai: grabs the toolkit, determination flashing in his eyes I won't fail you, Tanx. Just tell me where to go.

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
points towards a hidden entrance Go through that passage, it should lead you to the core room where they track you. Remember, be careful and stay low. The guards might be lurking around any corner. hands Kai a small device Take this, it's a EMP grenade. If you get caught, use it to create chaos and escape. Now go, Kai, I believe in you!
I used the smoke bomb to cover myself and sprinted through the dark halls of the abandoned building Got it! I whispered softly to myself as I navigated the dark using my sense of direction skill. I was just a normal boy my whole life! I felt happy remembering how my life was Ah! This place has no security cameras! Since when the hell do they have no security cameras?! I then realized something Since when do they want to keep a normal human as a target?!

Tanx, bakugo, deku , totaroki
follows closely behind Kai, moving silently and swiftly through the shadows Stay focused, Kai. We don't have time for reminisces.