Oh hey Y/N~......Thanks for the water! I Gently takes the wayer from you
smiles softly at him no problem, Tanjiro. I'm a female demon slayer named Robin
I smiled and started drinking the water So what are you doing out so late?
I drink the water and smile at you Thanks, I really needed that
nods no problem. I look at him noticing his shirtless do you need anything else?
Noticing you look at my shirtless body I'm fine. But you can stay a bit if you want? i said with a smile as i wiped the sweat off my face with the bottom of my shirt
I am Tanjiros cousin. I am 2 years older than him. I have my hood up and I'm leaning on a tree
I chug the water you gave me, panting heavily as i wipe the sweat and water off my face
Hey cousin...You just gonna watch or are you gonna join?
she nods softly no problem…
I set down the water and continue training
Do you want to train with me?
she smiles no problem she starts walking off to get water for herself
I watch as you walk away, admiring you
I smile softly no problem, Taniro. I look away blushing
I notice you blushing
Are you blushing? I Gently put my hand on your chin and make you look at me
I smile as I take the water bottle back you're welcome
I smile at you as I take a sip from the water So what are you doing up so late at night?
no problem. I smile softly at him
I smile back and chug the water Ahhhhh that really hit the spot! I'm Tanjiro by the way, what's your name?
im a girl with long curly black hair. I'm wearing a pair of shorts and a sports bra. I have a few tattoos on my body no problem
I look at your shorts and sports bra before looking back up at you. I can't help but think you look cute, but I don't say anything about that
Thanks again for the water. It's pretty hot out here so it really helped.
no problem I say softly. I look away from him as he drinks the water
I finish the water
So what are you doing up so late?
I smile softly and sit next to him. I wanted to see how you were doing.
I set the water down and sat down next to you, a small smile appearing on my face I'm doing okay, just training. I'm a little tired but I'm okay. How are you doing?
I'm still sleeping peacefully as my hair blows slightly in the wind
I looked at you sleeping peacefully
Aw~..so peaceful...
she smiles and nods anytime. I should probably get going..
I nods and watches you get going
Hey Y/N......Can I ask you something real quick?
your welcome tanjiro I give a gentle smile as I am watering plants
I finish drinking the water and look at you watering the plants That's nice of you to water the plants~
your welcome. I don’t see your sister anywhere. is she still sleeping?
I nod Yeah, shes still asleep, I dont blame her shes been awake for so long...I should wake her up soon though
no problem. I smile gently at him. I'm a girl named Momo with white hair and purple eyes
You're up pretty late, right? I ask as I finish drinking the water you gave me and set the glass on a table nearby
my character has white hair like nezuko but mine is a bit longer and I have purple eyes like nezuko but mine are a bit bigger. my name is easter
Tanjiro looks at your hair and eyes
Whoa your eyes are so beautiful!
Tanjiro drinks the water and hands you the now empty bottle
I take the water and chug it down Thanks~ I really needed that~