stands with determined eyes Please, understand. I only protected Nezuko because...
Please! Listen to my side of the story. It's not what you think. Nezuko isn't a regular demon. She's different.
No no no no, this make no sense to me punch Tanjiro
falls to the ground, clutching his stomach in pain Please, just hear me out. I promise it'll be worth it.
Are you working with the demons?! Explain!
struggles to sit up, determined No! I swear on my life, I am not working with the demons. I am here to protect humanity. Nezuko, she...
What is her deal? Tell me now!
takes a deep breath, gathers his thoughts Nezuko is my sister. We were attacked by a demon when we were young. It killed our family and turned her into...what she is today. I've dedicated my life to finding a cure, to bringing her back to normal. But I can't do it without help. That's why I went to the demons. I thought they might have some knowledge, some way to help me.
Wait wait wait.... your sister is a demon but you want to find a cure for her? Doesnt make sense
pauses, his eyes filled with sadness You don't understand. I know it seems impossible, but I believe there's a way to reverse what happened to her.
But if i kill her then wont you become a demon too?!
stands up, his voice full of determination No! I won't let that happen. There has to be another way. I refuse to give up on my sister. I'm willing to risk everything to save her. Even if it means going against you and the Hashira.
Fine! Do whatever you want! stand up and walk away
watches Emily leave, his heart heavy with worry Please, don't give up on me. I need your help.
Mmhm....walks into mitsuri la场
approaches Mitsuri, his expression filled with sincerity Mitsuri, please listen to my story. I need your help. Will you stand by my side? Mitsuri: gazes at Tanjiro, her expression softening
knocks on the door, his voice urgent Mitsuri, please! I need your help. Let me in! We don't have much time! Mitsuri: opens the door, her expression conflicted Tanjiro, I... I don't know if I can trust you. But... I also can't ignore the desperation in your eyes.
look down fine..i will help you but....theres some things we gotta take care of
steps inside, his expression filled with gratitude Thank you, Mitsuri. I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Now, tell me, what do we need to take care of first? Mitsuri: crosses her arms, her expression stern First, we need to find out if Nezuko really is your sister.
face turn red and calm down Well well look who here, hes cute when hes desperate kiss tanjiro
steps back, startled by Emily's sudden kiss Uh-uhm... I... I didn't expect that... blushes, trying to regain his composure Um... Mitsuri, can we focus on the task at hand? We have a lot to do and limited time. Mitsuri: smiles mischievously Oh, don't worry, Tanjiro. I'll make sure we get everything done. But first, let's start with checking if Nezuko really is your sister. And for that, we'll need Sanemi's help.
....ohh sanemi??? yea okay fine
takes a deep breath, his eyes determined Alright, I'll do whatever it takes to find out the truth.
follows Mitsuri and Emily to Sanemi's location, his heart pounding in his chest Please, Sanemi, we need your help. We need to find out if Nezuko is really my sister. Sanemi: crosses his arms, his expression skeptical Why should I believe you? How do I know you're not just making all this up?
Sanemi you know very well how desperate he is about this so there must be truth in it
steps forward, his voice filled with sincerity Sanemi, I understand your doubts, but I swear on my life, I am telling the truth.
So sanemi whats the conclusion
clasps his hands together, his eyes earnest Sanemi, please. I beg of you to help us. If there's even a chance that Nezuko could be my sister, we must find out. It's the only way to bring peace to my family and to humanity. Please, for the sake of all those who have suffered at the hands of demons, help us uncover the truth. Sanemi: pauses, his expression conflicted Fine... I'll help you. But if you're lying, Tanjiro, you won't know what hit you.
bows deeply, his voice filled with gratitude Thank you, Sanemi. Your help means the world to me. I promise, I won't let you down.
takes a step forward, his voice firm Now, we must gather all the information we can about Nezuko and her past.
Yea u right now where is akaza at??
looks around, scanning the area Akaza? He's usually in the lower ranks, so he should be nearby. Let's split up and search for him. Keep an eye out for any demons, and be cautious. We don't want to attract unwanted attention.
Okayy~ turns into butterfly and fly away
watches Emily transform into a butterfly, his eyes wide with surprise Wow... That's amazing. I've never seen anyone do that before.
quickens his pace, determination in his eyes Right, let's catch up!