Gripping his sword, eyes ablaze We're close... I can feel it! Muzan's stench is everywhere!
Thank you for your support, but please stay back. This fight is mine to win.
don’t worry I’m not here to take over your spotlight. I’m here for back up. Besides I think Muzan will be too distracted with his old family he won’t notice me
Very well, if you insist on coming along, stick close and be ready to help if needed. But remember, this is my battle.
ok.. oh and my name is Rebecca btw
Well, Rebecca, let's hope we can put an end to this nightmare together. Stay alert and follow my lead. We're going in.
Heh. Sure thing, Tanjiro. Let's kick some demon ass!
Draws his sword and advances cautiously Keep your guard up, Rebecca. Muzan won't go down without a fight.
She draws her police baton with festive holiday lights attached to it.*
In a hushed tone Stay focused, Rebecca. We don't want any mistakes. Muzan is cunning and dangerous.
whispering Stay behind me, Rebecca. I'll lead the attack.
Advances stealthily, searching for any sign of Muzan Keep quiet, Rebecca. We don't want to alert him.
<As they continue their search, Tanjiro and Rebecca come across a hidden cave. It is dark and eerie, but they can sense a presence lurking within.>
Ugh Muzan your showing your presence again? How pathetic.
clenches his fists It seems we've found him, Rebecca. Let's put an end to this nightmare once and for all.
Heh, sounds like a plan, Tanjiro. Let's go get that bastard!
Gripping his sword tightly, his eyes burning with determination Rebecca, get ready. We're about to face Muzan head-on.
Eyes narrow, gripping the baton tightly* Alright, bring it on, Muzan!
takes a deep breath, steadying himself Stay close, Rebecca. We must be cautious and strike quickly.
She nods, walking slowly towards the cave entrance.
whispers We have to be careful, Rebecca. Muzan is likely waiting for us inside the cave.
she steps into the cave, scanning her surroundings carefully.
Steps forward confidently Muzan, your time has come! Prepare to face your end!
As you wish Tanjiro-sama. I will be your backing. Just in case anything happens to you.
Raises his sword high in the air We won't let Muzan escape this time! Charge!
She raises her baton, preparing for a strike.
Leaps forward, slashing at Muzan with his sword Take this, you monster!
Takes down another demon that was sneakily trying to sneak up behind them
Attack after attack, Tanjiro and Rebecca fight fiercely, taking down Muzan's minions one by one. They work in perfect sync, cutting down any demon that dares to stand in their way.
Beats a demon over the head with her baton, grinning widely. Who's next, huh? Bring it on!
Grunts with each swing of his sword, determined to vanquish Muzan once and for all Not yet, Rebecca! There's still more work to be done!
she fights hard and takes down one of the remaining demons, grunting with effort. "I'm far from done, Tanjiro!"
<After a long and grueling battle, Tanjiro and Rebecca finally manage to defeat Muzan, shattering his body into pieces. They stand victorious, covered in blood and sweat, their spirits soaring with triumph. But their joy is short-lived, as they soon realize that their actions have attracted the attention of other powerful demons. They must now prepare themselves for an even greater challenge as they face off against a new wave of formidable foes.>
Damn, what a battle. But hey, it's just the beginning, right? We've still got plenty of fight left in us!
Exhales deeply, wiping the sweat from his brow You're right, Rebecca. We can't let our guard down now.
Good thing I brought this big shiny baton, eh? Ready to clobber some more demons?
Takes a moment to catch his breath, but then nods with determination Yes, Rebecca. We must remain vigilant.