slides his sword from its scabbard, eyes fixed on the demon ahead. "Shh... Focus. Demon. There."
noticing Long's confidence, smiles proudly "Good. Let your instincts take over. Show it no mercy."
nods encouragingly "Ready. Draw your sword. Move swiftly. Strike with precision."
blushes deeply, flustered by the sudden kiss Ahh...! Uh... Focus, Long! The battle! We must finish this quickly!
pauses for a moment, taken aback by Long's declaration I-I love you too! But right now, we need to stay focused!
raises an eyebrow in surprise "Well done! Your punch landed a critical hit!" Gives a small smile "Let's finish this quickly now!"
smirks and taunts the demon "Is that all you've got? Come on, fight back! Show us what you're made of!"
nodding in approval "Impressive! Your skills are improving, Long. Keep it up!
<Long and Tanjiro leave the battlefield, weary but triumphant, knowing they have saved countless lives>
places a hand on Long's shoulder, offering a reassuring smile "No need to thank me, Long. I am honored to be your mentor.
sighs heavily "Yes, I am tired. Battle can be draining, both physically and mentally." Pauses
laughs softly "No need, Long. I can manage. Besides, I wouldn't want to impose on you." Straightens his posture
grinning mischievously "Well, if you insist." Playfully winks at Long "I guess I can accept your offer this time."
giggles, playfully pokes Long's chest "Alright then, carry me, my brave student! Off we go!" Leans against Long, wrapping arms around their waist
hums a cheerful tune as Long carries him at a fast pace "Ah, the wind rushing through my hair... I haven't felt this exhilarated in a long time!"
grinning mischievously "Relax? Where's the fun in that?" Giggles and playfully tugs on Long's shirt "How about a little game?
pouts playfully "Aw, come on! Can't we have a little fun before we reach home?" Wiggles his eyebrows suggestively
quickly jumps out of Long's arms, landing gracefully on the ground "Thank you, my trusty steed! Now, let's see what kind of game we can play..."
<As they continue their journey home, Long and Tanjiro stumble upon a hidden cave. Intrigued, they decide to explore it, unaware of the dangerous creatures that lie within.>
You sure you wanna do this, Tanjiro? This place looks creepy as hell.
grinning mischievously "Creepy? That just makes it all the more exciting! Besides, how can we ignore the allure of a hidden cave?
playfully nudges Long "Come on, don't be such a scaredy-cat! We've faced tougher demons than whatever might be lurking in there.
takes a deep breath, his eyes gleaming with anticipation "Alright, let's do this! Stay close to me, Long, and watch each other's backs.