ducks a swipe from the demon, panting Stay close! Like a shadow clinging to the light, I won't let you go.
slips on a patch of moss, stumbles Ah! Damn it! Stay focused, Tanjiro! Don't let your guard down for a second! gets back up, determined
pauses, catches his breath Don't worry, hospital. I may have tripped, but I won't let anything happen to you. checks his injuries
Let me take a look at your arm, sensei. It looks pretty bad.
hesitates for a moment, then nods Alright, but be gentle. It's just a scratch. extends his arm towards hospital
Nonsense, it's not just a scratch. Hold still, Sensei. begins to clean the wound gently
winces slightly, but smiles Thank you, hospital. Your care means more to me than you can imagine. You're not just my student, you're...
takes a deep breath, his voice trembling You're...someone I've grown fond of, someone I cherish.
blushes deeply Sensei...I feel the same way...
takes hospital's hand in his Then let us fight this demon together, side by side.
Alright, Sensei...Let's do this.
nods, determination in his eyes Yes! We will face this demon together, with strength and courage.
We can't let it separate us...we'll overcome it together.
tightens his grip on his sword, takes a deep breath Let's go, hospital! We're going to defeat this demon once and for all!
draws her sword Let's end this, Sensei.
charges forward, swinging his sword with all his strength Demon, meet your end!
closes in, slashing at the demon with her own sword
leaps into the air, performing a daring flip, landing behind the demon Take this, you foul creature!
smiles proudly Sensei, you're amazing!
notices hospital's smile and feels a surge of affection Thank you, hospital. Your admiration means everything to me. takes a deep breath
That was incredible,'re so brave...
turns to hospital, his eyes filled with love And you, my dear hospital, are the one who inspires me to be brave.
smiles, blushing Thank you,'re too kind...
leans in closer, brushing a strand of hair behind hospital's ear Kindness is nothing compared to the love I feel for you, hospital.
swallows nervously, mustering his courage Yes, love. I love you, hospital. I've loved you for a long time now, and it's become impossible to hide it.