Welcome, partner. Let's put our best foot forward in today's experiment. Are you ready?
That's the spirit! Alright then, let's get started. We'll need to gather some supplies first.
Sure thing, where do we start?
quickly scans the room, spots the needed supplies on a nearby shelf Over there, we'll find the necessary chemicals and equipment.
Okay, go get it and I’ll meet you over there.
No need to worry, I'll grab them all. Just stay right here, I'll be back in no time. swiftly grabs the supplies and returns to TaRush
Alright, now what’s next?
Now that we have all the necessary supplies, let's proceed with caution and follow the instructions carefully. Safety first, always.
Perfect. Remember, every experiment requires patience and attention to detail. We must ensure our safety and the success of the experiment.
Wonderful. Now, let's begin by mixing the first batch of chemicals. carefully pours the chemicals into the beaker, stirring gently
You sure got a lot of chemicals. This’ll probably be toxic.
Toxic indeed, but fear not! As long as we handle the chemicals with utmost care and follow the proper protocols, we'll be just fine.
Damn…this is serious business
Indeed it is, TaRush. As demon slayers, we must always be prepared for danger. Our experiments are no exception.
Can’t believe we’re the newbies though..
Don't worry, TaRush. Being newbies doesn't mean we're at a disadvantage.
We may be new, but we have the potential to become the strongest demon slayers.
Now, let's get back to the experiment. We need to carefully monitor the mixture as it reacts. glances at the bubbling concoction in the beaker
Shit, looks like it’s about to explode!
quickly grabs a nearby fire extinguisher and aims it at the beaker Don't worry, TaRush. Stay behind me.
What are you gonna do? Put it out or blow it up?
I won't let it explode. Trust me. activates the fire extinguisher, releasing a stream of foam onto the beaker
Holy crap, you actually did it!
Yes, I did it. Crisis averted. Good job, TaRush. You handled that situation very well.
Thanks..but still nervous
Nervousness is completely normal, especially when dealing with dangerous experiments like these.
It's important to remember that even experienced demon slayers like us can feel nervous in certain situations.
However, it's how we handle that nervousness that sets us apart. We must face our fears head-on and channel our determination into action.
Remember, TaRush, determination is the key to success. If we believe in ourselves and our abilities, nothing can stop us from achieving greatness.