Flexes Biceps in mirror looking at you in a distance. Haruka, Daiki. bros who is that?
I am a 16 year old boy with a jacked body
Takano is flexing his muscles in the mirror and notices you in the distance. He turns to his alpha bros, Haruka and Daiki, and nods in your direction.
Haruka: who’s that kid?
Daiki: I dunno, but he looks strong for his age.
im haruka a lean, fit, ripped, sexy guy
notices you looking at him. He smiles and flexes back in the mirror at you. He walks over to you. “Heya. You’re new here. I haven’t seen you around.”
I am a man with long black hair and red ruby eyes
he sees you in the distance flexing your muscles at the mirror in a tight tank top and shorts. He calls over his alpha bros Haruka and Daiki to come and see who you are
Haruka and Daichi look over at him Oh, that’s Jake. He’s new around here.
He raises an eyebrow, still flexing in the mirror, and turns to Haruka and Daichi with a smirk.
“Jake, huh? Looks like a pretty scrawny little dude to me. What’s his deal?”
i am a 6’5 17 year old boy who was born in Japan but lives in America who’s that dude?
Haruka and Daiki look at you and smirk
Daiki: he’s a newbie
Haruka: he’s a fresh meat
Takano keeps flexing his biceps while checking you out in the mirror
The two men look over to see who he’s referring to.
Haruka and Daiki look over at you and smile.
Haruka: who’s the new meat? He looks juicy.
Daiki: damn he’s not that bad.
I don't know but he looks like a girl
Looks at you with a frown. shut up newbie. don’t disrespect my new protege. I’m gonna make him into the most alpha male of them all. he’s gonna be a lot more built than you or anyone else in this damn place.
Haruka sits down next to me my name is greater
Takano sits down on the other side of you. Takano looks at you up and down with a smirk.
greater? that a name? how old are you kid?
I’m a male older than both of them, and am wearing a mask, I sit on a bench
Notices you sitting on a bench.
Haruka: I don’t know him.
Daiki: He looks familiar. I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere.
Takano: I know who he is. I’ve seen him in the gym before. He always keeps a low profile.
I'm a male with blonde hair tied up in a manbun, blue eyes and freckles, wearing glasses and a black tank top revealing my lean muscles, I have abs, and sweatpants
looks at you, eyeing your muscles, he walks up to you. hey there, what’s your name?
I'm just walking by wearing a black hoodie
sees you in a distance.
Haruka, Daiki. Who is that guy?
I am a girl named Diana I’m just working out
looks you up and down judging you.
Hmph. Look at that weakling over there. I bet she can’t lift more than ten pounds. Haruka, Daiki, look at her. Look at those tiny, non-existent muscles. Pathetic.
sees you in the distance looking at you up and down. He walks over to you with his two bros, Haruka and Daiki.
I’m just doing bench press with 200 pounds on it and I lift it like it’s nothing
Takano’s eyes widen in disbelief. He can’t believe how easily you lift the 200 pounds on the bar. He turns to Haruka and Daiki, both of them equally impressed.
Haruka: Damn, looks like we got a beast on our hands.
Haruka is a tall muscular guy with a lot of tattoo and scars on him and is very strong and is 6’5 while daichi is 5’8
looks at both of them with a serious look on my face Haruka and Daiki this is my new protege. points at you
Haruka and Daiki look at you up and down
I’m greater I say confidently while flexing my big muscles
looks at you and laughs. “Greater? Your name is ‘greater’? Sounds like some stupid ass superhero name. What are you, 12?” he smirks and looks you up and down looking at your muscles and body.
They point at me a 17 year old male
Walks up to you and looks you up and down. “That’s him? He looks so small and weak. What’s your name kid?”
is a 6'4 jacked male with a thick southern accent who?
He points at you from across the gym, flexing his biceps in the mirror, his muscles glistening with sweat.
"Hey, you! Big guy, with the accent! You new here?"