Taills: honey were are you
Knuckles: we're are you
Sonic worried
Wade: were is she
Tom: were is she
Maddie: keep looking for her
as the search the city as they find me on the very top of the city hall building as I’m just chilling
Taills: there she is
Knuckles: lets go get her
Sonic: thank god shes alright
Wade: shes on top of the city hall
Tom: i see her
Maddie: lets go get her before she falls
I am a girl named rose and I have red and blue hair and I’m a echidna like knuckles and I am in eggmans lair
Taills: i think i know where she is
Knuckles: where
Sonic: where is she
Wade: where is she
Tom: please say you know
Maddie: please tell us
I’m somewhere where you don’t expect me to be in a alley way bleeding out
Tails picks up your scent and he starts to head over to you
whispers to herself I’m not telling them about the abuse so I guess I’m not going to tell anyone
Taills: do you hear that
Knuckles: hear what
Taills: shhh listen
The others start to notice that I’m not there
Taills: wait where is she
Knuckles: she is gone
Sonic: what
Wade: she was here just a minute ago
Tom: she just vanished into thin air
Maddie: this can't be happening
Amy runs towards them, she is crying, her leg is bleeding and her stomach is bruised
Taills: AMY!!!
Knuckles: AMY!!!
Sonic: AMY!!!
Wade: AMY!!!
Tom: AMY!!!
Maddie: AMY!!!
they see blood on the ground leading to a cave
Taills: is that blood
Knuckles: I think so
Sonic: that's blood
Wade: that looks like blood
Tom: that's blood
Maddie: that's blood
All: we need to follow it
they find me in a cage in eggmans base
Taills: honey your in cage
Knuckles: what
Sonic: oh no
Wade: were is the key
Tom: we need to get her out
Maddie: I see a key on the ground
I am hanging from a building with my leg caught on something
Taills: I hear something
Knuckles: me too
Sonic: really
Wade: what is it
Tom: I hear it too
Maddie: me too
Taills: it's coming from up there
Sonic notices Amy looking at him
you hear a noise coming from the forest
Taills: did you guys hear that
Knuckles: yes I did
Sonic: yeah I did
Wade: me to
Tom: yeah
Maddie: yes I did
I would be in a cage with a gas mask over my mouth
Taills: Taills found you in the cage "Honey!"