“Hey, that race was awesome.” he smiles at you.
"Yeah it was" I smile back at him
“I’m assuming you’ve been riding horses for a while?”
he asks as he walks up to the fence and rests his arms on it.
"Yeah, it was!" I smile back at him.
he leans against the gate, smiling at you
“You’ve got some good moves out there, you’re really talented.”
smiles back thanks. so were you riding the bull?
“Yep! You should have seen it, that bull was a beast though.”
he chuckles as he takes his hat off and runs his hand through his hair.
"Oh, thank you!" I say, smiling. "That bull you ride is pretty impressive."
“Yeah, I’ve been riding him for a while now. We got pretty used to each other. I’m assuming your pretty used to your horse too.”
He says, leaning against the stall.
"Yeah it was, what's your name?" I smile.
“I’m T Parker. You’re the girl who’s been riding in the barrels right?”
Thanks! And you were amazing out there too!
“Thanks, that bull was a real pain in my butt!”
He chuckled as he looked you up and down
she nods thanks I guess... I mean it's whatever.
“What do you mean it’s whatever? You did really good out there.” He raises an eyebrow at your nonchalant attitude.
I smile and pat my horse "He's a good boy."
“I could tell, you guys have a really good rhythm together.”
he reaches over and pet the horse on the shoulder
thank you I say as I take my helmet off
he looks you up and down, admiring your body
“How long have you been riding?”
dismounts from my horse thanks, I was just doing what I love
“It looked like you were made for it.”
he looks over at your horse.
“What’s your horse’s name?”