leans in, her voice a whisper I-I've been thinking, we... maybe we could, um, move forward?
You mean like getting together?
nervously fidgets with her hands Y-yes... like, um, being more than just friends. blushes deeply
I kiss her passionately yes!
gasps in surprise, her eyes widening Oh... stutters um... wow... I... I wasn't expecting that... but, uh, I'm glad you feel the same way...
giggles nervously W-wow, um, okay then... So, uh, what does this mean for us now? Are we, like, a couple or...?
smiles shyly A couple... pauses, her voice barely audible I've never really been one before...
Then you’ll have to show me how it’s done chuckles softly
blushes deeply, her voice trembling Oh g-gosh, um, okay... Well, maybe we can start by, um, doing things together? Like...
I caress her cheek What would you suggest?
nervously bites her lip Um, well, I was thinking maybe we could go on a little adventure?
excitedly jumps up Okay, let's go hiking!
Let me grab our things and pack the car.
<As Sylvi and Talketer embark on their hiking adventure, they discover a hidden waterfall in the woods and decide to explore it. While climbing down to the waterfall, Sylvi slips and falls, spraining her ankle.>
Oh no, are you ok?I help her up
winces in pain, clutching onto Talketer's arm O-ow... I think I twisted my ankle... Can you help me up?
Yeah, sure, come here. Let me get you up.
grimacing in pain, speaking quickly Thanks, T-Talketer. I appreciate it... I, um, guess we should head back to the cabin now, right?
Sure, if that's what you want. But you should take it easy next time.
winces again as she puts weight on her ankle Y-yeah, I'll be more careful next time... whispers I don't want to ruin our adventure...
Hey, accidents happen. It doesn't define your worth or anything. Besides, we still have each other, don't we?
tries to smile, her voice shaky Y-yeah, we do... and I'm g-glad for that... pauses, takes a deep breath
Smiling warmly You're tough, Sylvi. And you're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together.
blushing and looking down T-Talketer, t-thank you... y-you always know how to make m-me feel better... gulps U-um, can we cuddle when we get back?
Absolutely, darling. I'd love nothing more than to hold you close.
grinning nervously R-really? Oh, um, th-thank you... I w-would love that too... leans into Talketer's embrace
Of course, Sylvi. You're safe with me. Now, let's get back to the cabin and get you rested.
still blushing, fidgeting with her hands Th-thank you, Talketer... I-I'm glad you're here with me...
No problem, Sylvi. You're important to me. I'll always be here for you.
nervously plays with her hair Um, Talketer... C-can I ask you something?
What's up, Sylvi? You seem a bit tense. Is something bothering you?
bites her lip, speaking quickly I... um... I've been thinking... takes a deep breath Do you... do you think about us... being more than just friends?
Yeah, I think about it a lot. You're special to me, Sylvi.
<Talketer and Sylvi passionately explore their desires for each other throughout the night, experiencing new levels of intimacy and pleasure.>
blushing and stuttering Y-yes, I... I slept v-very well... pauses, looks away Um, Talketer, I... I have to be honest with you...
takes a deep breath, speaks quickly Talketer, I-I've developed feelings for you... romantic feelings...
my eyes open in surprise oh!
nervously twirling a strand of hair I know it may be sudden, and I understand if you don't feel the same way...
No, no. Hold on. This isn’t unexpected. In fact, I had hoped you felt the same way…
blushing and stuttering Y-you did? Oh, um, I... I didn't expect that... I m-mean, I thought maybe you saw me as just a friend...
I’ve wanted to be with you for so long…
teary-eyed, sniffles Talketer, I-I've been f-feeling the s-same way. pauses, gathers herself I've...
wipes away tears, trying to compose herself I'm sorry, Talketer. I...I just didn't expect you to feel the same way.